Chapter 20

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Ch 20

Lexi pov

It had been a few days since I last saw the boys. They had a few small interviews and TV performances that I didn’t need to be at with them. Harry and Niall texted me all the time, telling me what was going on and just generally chatting.  I had to admit that being away from them made me realize just how much I had started to fall for Niall, and how close I had gotten with Harry. The Cheshire boy had become my best friend, and I felt like I could talk to him about anything.  When I got the text from Niall saying he was back, but couldn’t see me tonight, my heart fell. I texted Harry and asked him if he knew why. He told me he didn’t but that he would see if he could find out without making it too obvious.

Harry never found out why Niall couldn’t see me, and after two days of not hearing from him I was starting to get worried. The rest of the boys assured me he was fine, just busy. I was about to call Niall and yell at him for not talking to me for 2 days when there was a knock at my door. I sighed and put my phone onto the table and went to open the door.  I found a delivery guy standing there with a white box with a blue ribbon around it. “Are you Lexi?” He asked me. I nodded “Here this is for you” he said, handing me the box. “Uh thanks” I said as he turned to walk away. “Who was that?” Sophia asked, coming out of her room. “Some delivery guy dropping off this box for me” I said, walking over to the couch and placing the box on the coffee table. “what is it?” Sophia asked me, flopping onto the couch “I have no idea. I haven’t ordered anything.” I said, staring at the box. “Well go on, open it.” She said.  I slid the ribbon off the box and pulled the lid off. There was an envelope sitting on top of some tissue paper with my name on it. I grabbed it and pulled out a letter “Lexi,  I am so sorry that I haven’t spoken to you in a few days. I had to get all the details sorted out for this surprise I planned for you, and didn’t want to risk spilling everything to you. A car will be there  at 7 to pick you up and take you to a secret location for dinner with me. I want you to wear the dress in the box. Don’t worry, it will fit and I had help from Caroline picking it out. Niall” I folded the note and placed it on the table beside the box before un folding the tissue paper. I gasped when I pulled out the dress. It was a washed out navy colour strapless gown. It had a sweetheart neck line and beading around the bust, after which it flowed out. “Oh wow he has good taste” I heard Sophia say behind me. “Mmhmm” was all could manage in return. “What time is he picking you up?” She asked me. I told her and she chuckled “Best go have a bath then. Its 3 now.” She said to me.  I walked off and laid my new dress carefully on my bed before going to have a bath. While I was bathing I texted Harry “I think I’m going to confess everything to Niall.” I shut my phone off before he could text me back and enjoyed my bath.

I had decided to curl my hair, making it fall around my face in more defined waves. I opted for simple winged eyeliner for makeup and flats for shoes since I was terrible in heels. Sophia let me borrow a simple white shawl  from her, which I put on when the car called up at 7 sharp. The driver was standing beside the door and opened it for me when he saw me. I gave him a small smile as I climbed in, trying not to do anything horrible to my dress. It fit perfectly and I was in love with it.

After about 15 minutes we pulled up to a very posh looking hotel. I was greeted at the door by Paul, who just smiled at me. “You look good” He said as he walked me towards the elevator. He pushed the button labeled terrace  and I gave him a confused look. “Sorry love I’m not allowed to say anything.” He said with a small chuckle. Soon the elevator doors opened and I stepped out, alone. My mouth dropped. There was one table set up in the middle, with Niall standing beside it looking gorgeous in a suit that matched my dress. There were fairy lights strung up all around the roof top terrace  and they criss crossed through it.  “Oh my god” was all I could say as I walked towards Niall.  “You look stunning” he said, pulling me into a hug. I looked around “You did all this for me?”  I asked “Yep. We even have a nice light dinner coming. But first, I want to dance with ya.” He said, going over and pressing play on his ipod that was plugged into speakers. I smiled as the tell tale notes of “kiss me” began to play.  I let him lead me to the little spot he had sorted out for dancing and wrapped my arms around his neck as  his circled my waist. “I thought you had given up on me when you didn’t talk to me for two days” I confessed.  “Unless you tell me you have no feelings for me I don’t plan on ever giving up on you.” He said, cupping my cheek with his hand.  Just as he was about to kiss me we heard the ding that signaled the elevator. We both turned to look, thinking it was the food. It wasn’t.

** If I get enough comments/votes I will post the next chapter tomorrow, if not it will be up Friday. **

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