Chapter 19

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Ch 19

Lexi’s pov


“So what did you do last night?” Sophia asked me with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Nothing. We fell asleep talking, and I made his breakfast this morning.” I said, feeling my face get warm. She just chuckled at me “I know love I was teasing. Niall is a gentleman when he really fancies a girl.” She said. I just smiled at her. “ I think I am going to go have a shower and put something comfy on. Unless we have plans today?”  “Naw I figured we could have a quiet girls day in, maybe have a Harry Potter marathon.” She said. I smiled like a crazy person. Harry Potter was one of my most favorite books and movies. “That sounds like the best idea I have ever heard. I’ll be back in a bit.” I said before running off to take a shower.


We were half way through the third movie when Sophia’s phone went off. “Hold on a sec love it’s Liam.” She said, answering the phone as she walked away. I paused the movie and decided to check twitter. I decided to respond to a few of the fans tweets and DM’s . Sophia came back with a huge grin on her face. “Good chat with Liam?” I asked, chuckling softly. She just nodded at me and sat back down on the couch. “No offence Lex but I’m kinda bored.  Want to go shopping and maybe grab a bite?” She asked me. “Sure. But I think we both should get dressed first.” I said, pointing to both of us in footie pyjamas. She nodded and we both went off to our rooms to put on proper clothes.


“Hey Lex what do you think of this dress?” Sophia asked me, holding up a cute little navy mini. “I like it.” I said with a smile. “Cool, what’s your size I’ll see if they have it.” She said. I told her my dress size and she came back a minute later with the dress. “You need to get it.” She said, shoving it into my hands. I laughed at her but took the dress anyways to try on. Once I tried it on I could see she was right, it fit me perfect and looked good.


We decided to go to a small restaurant for dinner. It was quiet and the food was wonderful. “How did you find this place?” I asked.  “Shopping, of course.” She said with a chuckle.  I laughed. The girl loved shopping. We chatted while we finished out food and were soon on our way back to the flat. Once we got home Sophia went to her room to put her stuff away.


My phone buzzed and I looked down and saw that it was Harry calling. I smiled as I answered the phone. “Hey Haz what’s up?” “Nothing. I’m just really bored. Louis and Zayn are with the girls and Liam is with Niall.” He said, and I could almost hear him pouting. “Well what do you want me to do about it?” I asked, chuckling at him. “Come over and keep me company for a bit?” he asked. “I s’pose  I could. I have no idea if Sophia has anything planned though. Let me ask her first.” I said. “Okay”.  I walked towards Sophia’s door and knocked. “Come in” She called from the other side. “Hey Soph did you have anything planned for us tonight?” I asked. “Nope. I was actually going to do a shoot tonight. Why?” She asked. “Harry wants me to go over for a bit since he’s bored and lonely.” She frowned for a second before smiling at me. “Well have fun, but not too  much fun.” She said with a wink. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her, leaving her room. “I can  be there in five minutes Haz if ya want.” I told Harry. “ No bother, I’ll come and pick you up. Beats you paying for a car.” I smiled “Alright. See you in a few.” I said. We both said goodbye and I hung up the phone. I put my boots on and went down to the lobby to wait for Harry.


Harry pulled up a few minutes later and I got into the car with a warm smile for him. “Hey stranger.” He said and I giggled at him. “Hey back. What’s the plan?” I asked. “Have you eaten?” He asked. “yea Soph and I had dinner.” He nodded. “Good then I don’t have to feed you.” He said with a smirk. I just laughed “ I was thinking we could just watch a movie, or chat. I’m good with either honestly.” He said. I nodded “Sounds good to me.”


We ended up finding some stupid syfy shark movie marathon, which we ended up yelling at and laughing about. “Oh my god how do people think up these kinds of movie?” I said, tears in my eyes from laughing at the stupidity of the movie. “I have no idea but I am glad they do. They are always good for a laugh.” Harry said. It was nice getting close to the Cheshire boy. “So how are things going with you and Niall?” He asked, causing me to blush. “pretty good. I ended up falling asleep at his place last night.”  He just smiled at me “Good. I am sure he will find out from Liam that you were here for a bit tonight. Sophia is a bit of a gossip and will no doubt spill. And  I know Liam is helping him try and get you.” He chuckled.  I frowned slightly “Hey don’t worry. I know Niall and I can bet he is going to do something big before you leave to see your family. You can break the news to me then that you have chosen him.” He said, giving me a smirk. “ Did some one say something to you?” I asked. “No but I know Niall. And I can tell that he really cares about you. If he didn’t he would have given up by now and moved on.” He said. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face.


Harry and I continued to talk for a while before I got tired. He drove me home, giving me a hug as he walked me to the door.  I had found out a lot about him in the last few days, and it was nice to have a friend who I could talk to about anything. I felt like I could tell Harry anything and he would never judge me. It was just the way he was.  She was about to call out for Sophia when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and read the text “I am spending the night with Liam, don’t have too much fun with harry;)”  I chuckled and texted her back telling her I was home already and would see her tomorrow. I decided to read for a bit before bed so I changed into my Pj’s and pulled out  a book I had bought at the airport, settling in for a quiet night.


**Next update will be Wednesday.  Please don't forget to vote :)**

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