Isaac; Full Moon

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"What are you talking about?" You frown when Isaac tells you that he can't hang out tonight.

"I'm sorry Y/N I just... I can't, okay?" He looks at you apologetically. "How about tomorrow night?" He suggests. You shake your head looking down at your shoes.

"Tomorrow isn't a full moon Isaac." You sigh. "I don't understand; we've been doing this for months- Almost a year actually. What has changed?" You ask him, your voice laced with disappointment.

Every time there was a full moon, you and Isaac would go take a drive out and admire the bright night sky. All of a sudden, he tells you that he can't go and it upsets you a lot. Lately you and Isaac don't spend much time together and you were really looking forward to spending this quality time with him.

"I'm really sorry Y/N, believe me. I just can't tonight. I will make up it you I promise." He takes a hold of your hands and kisses your knuckles, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Fine." You break eye contact. You are upset and Isaac knows it. But it doesn't seem that he is going to change his mind.

* * *

You were really curious for the reason why Isaac decided to not hang out with you tonight. You decide to follow him- You're not proud of it, but you were now made of curiosity.

You sit in the driver's seat of your car that is parked in the school lot. You wait until you see Isaac come out after lacrosse practice.

He looks around before walking towards a vehicle you hadn't seen before. Isaac climbs in, but the car doesn't move.  A few moments later, a blonde haired girl exits the school building and makes a direct beeline to the car Isaac had just climbed into. You notice the girl from your English class; It's Erica.

You feel as your heart breaks and shatters into pieces. Isaac had ditched you so that he could spend time with Erica. A few days ago Isaac wouldn't even glance her way. That was until one day she arrived in a leather jacket and mini skirt. You should've known better.

The tears threaten to fall, but you refuse to cry. You didn't want to cry- Not yet.

You start your car as the black vehicle drives off and you slowly follow behind.

You have absolutely no idea where you're heading, but you're just following Isaac and Erica.

You are surprised to see that they have stopped by what looks like an abandoned train. You park your car near to their destination.

What an amazing choice of location, You think to yourself. Did Isaac really think that nobody would find him and catch him cheating over here? He underestimated you.

You remain seated in the car- Not sure of whether you want to go inside and see what they're up to. It would break your heart even more.

The sun has already set and the sky is growing darker with every passing minute. You lean forward in your seat and look up. You sigh as you gaze at the full moon. You and Isaac were supposed to be somewhere in the middle of nowhere in each other's arms, staring at the sky together. But here you are, sitting alone near an old train, hesitating on going in and watching your boyfriend kiss another girl. 

After a good, solid fifteen minutes, you climb out of the car. Your feet carry you towards the entrance of the strange place.

As you walk further, you hear a strange sound. You spin yourself around to find the cause of the noise, but you see nothing but darkness.

You turn back around and take a few more steps. You freeze as you hear the sound again, but you have now identified it, it sounds like a... Like a growl.

Your heart picks up its pace and you can't help but feel a little scared.

You turn a corner and you jump at the sight of somebody sitting down on the floor. You immediately recognize the short curly hair and lacrosse jersey.

"Isaac?" You call out to him. You take a step back in fear when he looks up at you, his eyes glowing.

"Oh my god," You whisper, "Isaac, are you okay?" You ask, still backing away from him.

It's when you notice his sharp teeth and hairy face that you start feeling completely frightened.

You let out a loud shriek as Isaac jumps up, but you're relieved to see that he is chained to a pole.

You feel the tears beginning to fall as you stare at your boyfriend with fearful eyes.

"I'd leave now if I were you." You hear a voice behind you and swing around. You look at the tall figure and he steps out from the darkness, his features becoming clearer.

"Who are you? What's wrong with Isaac? Why is he chained up? Why is he like this?" There are so many questions that you want to ask, but you're not entirely sure that you want to hear the answer.

"You'll find out soon. For now, I suggest you go." He says sternly.

You turn your head to look at Isaac once again. He stares at you with hungry eyes, as if you are his prey.

"No, I'm not leaving. You can't make me." You tell the stranger. You are not willing to leave Isaac here.

"Listen to m-"

"Y/N. Leave. Now." Isaac says from behind you in between heavy breaths. Another loud growl catches your attention and your eyes find Erica; Her eyes glowing the same bright yellow as Isaac's.

"If you won't listen to me, listen to him." The dark haired man says once again pointing towards Isaac. You don't bother fighting back anymore; You were afraid. You knew that leaving would be the best. And if Isaac told you to leave, you will leave.

You glance over at your boyfriend one last time as he tries to break the chains that hold him.

You run out of there as fast as your feet can carry you.


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