Scott; Beginning of A Happy Ending

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"Are you ready? It's almost time." You heard your best friend Malia say.

You turned away from the mirror to face her, a small smile forming on your lips, "I hope so."

She smiled and walked towards you, "you look absolutely gorgeous."

You looked at your reflection again and took a deep breath. You were never one to like compliments, but you couldn't deny that today you did look beautiful.

"Thank you Malia." You looked at her through the mirror. You straightened your white dress while Malia made some finishing touches to your hair. Lydia had done your makeup and your mother had helped with your hair.

You felt so nervous that you could literally just fall to the floor.

"I'm not ready. Am I ready for this?" You anxiously asked, whirling your body around so that you and Malia were standing face to face.

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" She laughed. "You're not having second thoughts about marrying Scott. You're not, you're just nervous. Extremely nervous..." She raised an eyebrow, "like seriously, chill, your heart is beating so fast it's actually scaring me."

You walked past her. "Of course I'm not having second thoughts I know. And how can I not be nervous? This is is a big day. This is a big step. I'm just scared that a few months from now Scott and I will both realize that we weren't ready to take that big step." You explained using exaggerated hand gestures as you paced around in the hotel room.

"Alright, calm down. Have a seat." Malia sat down on the edge of the bed and motioned for you to sit beside her. You did.

"Listen Y/N, I understand that you and Scott are still young, but I have no doubts about the two of you. You two are... Inseparable. You two are in love. Not many people have the opportunity to love someone this much, don't waste the opportunity. Scott is crazy about you and you are crazy about him, so why not take that big step?"

You looked down taking in everything Malia had just said.

Yes, you were crazy about Scott. Hell, you were so crazy. You were so in love with him you swore that your heart could literally stop every time you saw him. The thought of him already caused your entire mood to brighten.

You and Scott had been together since high school. You had no doubt that you didn't love him, or that he didn't love you. Malia was right, it was an opportunity that not many people are lucky to have. You were so grateful to have Scott in your life. You loved him and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

"I'm ready." You suddenly said standing up from the bed. Malia stood up too.

"Great, let's go get you married." She giggled. She seemed so excited about this it made you happy.


"Are you ready?" Your father looked down on you. You nodded your head. It was unbelievable how many times you had been asked this question in only a couple of hours. Every time somebody asked if you were ready you began to doubt whether you were or not. But now you knew, you were more than ready to marry Scott.

The music began playing and all of the guests stood up from their seats. It was all real. You almost began tearing up.

White rose petals covered the aisle and from the ceiling hung fairy lights. It looked perfect. As you walked, you kept your eyes locked on the ground, only now and then glancing up at the family and friends you walked past.

Halfway down the aisle you looked up at Scott. When your eyes met with his, you didn't see him waiting at the end of the aisle, you saw him in the high school English classroom. The first time you had seen him. You felt as if you were falling in love with him all over again.

He had the widest smile on his face and it melted your heart. He looked so happy.

You giggled a little, noticing how he tried to stop smiling so much but failed. It was uncontrollable. It caused you to also start smiling like a complete idiot.

The walk came to an end and at this moment your heart was literally pounding against your chest. Your father took your hands and smiled at you, a hint of sadness in his eyes. He kissed you on the cheek before handing you over to Scott.

Scott took your hand and you walked up the three steps that lead to where the priest was standing. Malia winked at you as you took your place opposite Scott.

"You look breathtaking." He mouthed. You whispered a small 'thank you'.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Mr Scott McCall and Ms Y/N Y/L/N. You may be seated."

"I will now allow the bride and groom to say their vows." The priest took a step backwards and Scott pulled a piece of paper out from his trouser pocket.

"Y/N. I don't know where to begin, but I guess the easiest choice is to start from the moment that I saw you for the very first time. I walked into English class late and was completely confused when I saw a stranger sitting in my seat... A beautiful stranger. I remember sitting on the ground because there were no empty seats and I couldn't ask you to move. I couldn't stop glancing at you for the entire lesson. I couldn't wait for the class to end, because I just wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to know your name." Scott glanced up at you now and then as he read. The crowd laughed at his hopeless romantic self.

"If somebody had to tell me that in a couple of years that Y/N Y/L/N would be my wife, I would probably have laughed in their face. It just didn't seem possible. You were so out of my league and I can't explain how surprised and excited I was when you asked me to help with your Biology assignment."

"But I couldn't be more grateful to be standing here with you today. Y/N, I love you so much, more than words can actually even explain. You make me feel like I'm walking in the clouds. You make me feel like I have no worries in life. You make me a better me." He smiled as he folded the paper again. Stiles, who stood behind him, gently patted him on the shoulder.

It was your turn. Your hands shook as they took the piece of paper Malia gave to you. You opened it up and inhaled deeply.

"Scott," you began, glancing up into his dark eyes, he smiled, "you taught me how to love. You taught me how to be happy, how to be carefree and how to be in love. I can't imagine my life without you, because without you, my life just wouldn't have a purpose. You give me purpose. I tried finding the perfect word to describe my love for you, but after hours of searching on the internet and paging through dictionaries, I just couldn't find the right one. Because, there is just no word to describe my love for you. Scott I would sacrifice my happiness for you. I would sacrifice my life for you. I adore you Scott McCall. I love you so much and I always will. I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of my life with."

You handed the sheet of paper back to Malia once you had finished.

You and Scott then exchanged wedding rings and it was finally time for the priest to say, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride Scott."

Scott held you closer to him and you snaked your arms around his neck. As soon as your lips met with his, there was a round of applause and whistling. You smiled into the kiss.

"I love you so much." Scott whispered against your lips.

"I love you too." You connected your lips with his again.

This was surely a beginning to a happy ending.


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