Stiles; You Were Never Gone

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You couldn't help but feel empty. You didn't understand why you felt this way. You knew it had something to do with Stiles. Stiles. You repeated the name in your mind almost a hundred times trying to remember it, but it wasn't working at all. It was only a name to you.

Lydia, Scott and Malia have been spending the last three months searching for this person named Stiles.

You didn't bother helping them, because you felt the need to focus on your school work as it was your last year. You were almost done. It was the last stretch.

Everything felt perfectly normal, except for the past few weeks when you'd have these weird dreams. You'd see somebody. A boy to be specific. You wanted to let Lydia and Scott know, but you chose to rather keep it to yourself.

Every night the dream was the same. You'd see his face, he'd smile widely and right when you'd open your mouth to call his name you woke up. You kept telling yourself that maybe this was the Stiles your friends had been talking about, but still, you kept everything to yourself.

You had no clue why you had been feeling empty. You felt as if a part of you was missing, a big part. An important part.

You were busy doing homework when something strange had caught your eye. A photograph had fallen from your bedroom wall. You got up from your bed and walked towards it picking it up. You examined it.

It was weird that you haven't noticed it before. You were alone in the photograph. You were clothed in a long dark dress and you immediately recalled wearing it to the dance sophomore year. You didn't remember going alone, but yet you stood alone holding a single white rose in your left hand. Strange, you thought.

You dropped the photograph as you felt a pain in your chest. You shut your eyes tightly and for a split second you swore you saw that face again. The face you always saw in your dreams.

"Think Y/N think." You whispered feeling overwhelmed with emotions all of a sudden. What if it was Stiles that you kept seeing?

You didn't want to admit it, but you had a strong feeling that you and Stiles had some sort of a connection; maybe you were in love with him. You didn't know. You thought of so many possibilities.

You shook the thought off and walked back towards your bed. You sat down and continued with doing AP Biology homework.


You felt extremely comfortable lying cuddled up with your pillows, but your eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of your bedroom door trying to open. You had locked it after coming in after school.

You groaned into your pillowcase before lazily standing up from your bed and dragging yourself towards the door.

You turned the key and opened the door, a smile finding its way to your face.

"Stiles." You smiled nonchalantly. Then it faded. Your eyes widened and so did the boy's. He was the guy from your dreams. Stiles.

You hadn't thought of what you had said until after the word slipped off your tongue.

His lips parted. "You remember me?"

"I remember you." You said as more of a question than a statement.

He didn't say anything else, he just pulled you into a hug. He held you tightly. You couldn't explain how you had felt the moment his arms had wrapped themselves around you. You felt whole. You felt safe.

"Stiles." You said again and hugged him back. Everything felt right. All the missing pieces finally put themselves together again and it felt as if it was just yesterday that you had seen him.

It was like he was never gone.

"I missed you so much." He whispered into your ear. "Don't worry, you don't have to say it back, I'm quite aware that you completely forgot I even existed." He said after a long pause.

You giggled. When you finally let go, you looked into his eyes. "I can't say that I completely forgot." You told him. "I always knew there was a part of me missing."

"Not a day went by where I didn't think of you." He took a step closer towards you and cupped your face in his hands. "I never want to leave you again."

"Please don't." You spoke softly.

"I won't, I won't. Never again."

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