Derek; A Smile Looks Great On You

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It was Friday night and you were absolutely thrilled to have the the loft all to yourself. Isaac was out with Erica and Boyd, and Derek, well he was doing whatever the heck Alphas do on a Friday night.

You slipped on your most comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top. You looked at yourself in the mirror, only to see that it looked a little bit inappropriate, but you were alone so it didn't actually matter.

You put on your headphones and began dancing to a pop song while standing in the kitchen waiting for your food to warm up in the microwave.

You closed your eyes as you felt the music and sang along loudly. You began moonwalking when suddenly you knocked into something soft and quite warm. Your eyes shot open and you instantly turned around.

You let out a light squeak as your eyes met with those belonging to Derek. He looked down at you with his eyebrows raised. You immediately felt self conscious about your current attire.

"I don't even want to know." He shook his head and walked past you.

"What are you doing here?" You quickly ran for the sofa and grabbed a blanket before throwing it over your shoulders to cover up your exposed skin.

"Uh, I live here. Last time I checked, this is my loft." He emphasized the word 'my'.

"I know!" You rolled your eyes. "What I meant was, why are you here? Like right now? I was supposed to be alone tonight while you're out doing Alpha werewolf things." You used exaggerated hand movements.

"Alpha werewolf things? Are you serious?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Whatever... It's Friday night Derek, I would at least expect you to be out on a date or something." You walked towards where he was standing.

"A date?"

"Don't sound so surprised Derek. It is possible; you're not ugly." You examined his appearance, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I don't have time to date." He stated.

"Yes you do. You clearly have time now." You crossed your arms over your chest.

He didn't say anything. You remained quiet as you thought.

"I got it! We can sign you up for one of those online dating sites." You already began walking towards the computer.

"You've got to be kidding me." He forced a small laugh.

"Actually I'm not."

"I don't want to be on some stupid dating site Y/N." He followed you.

"Derek... Hale..." You spoke as you typed in his name and his details.

"Y/N stop." He said sternly.

You ignored him. "Would you prefer I say that you enjoy long walks on the beach or counting stars in the early morning hours?"

"How about I enjoy ripping people's throats out with my teeth." He crossed his arms over his chest. You looked at him with wide eyes.

You smiled. "Long walks on the beach it is." You continued typing.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked in disbelief. "I asked you to stop."

"Come on Derek. I'm only helping you." You stood up from your seat and picked up your cell phone.

You clicked on the camera application and took a few steps away from Derek to get the perfect shot of him. "Smile."

He didn't even move. "What is this for?"

"A profile image. Now smile."

He still didn't change his facial expression. He just stood there staring at you with a straight face. It was kind of intimidating.

"Quit being such a sourwolf!" You moaned and stomped your foot on the ground.

"A sourwolf?" He repeated his newly given nickname. His lips curved into a smile as he chuckled lightly.

He smiled. Derek actually smiled. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"There we go!" You cheered and snapped the photo. You ran towards him excitedly as his smile faded away.

"See," you showed him the image you had just taken of him, "you look attractive. A smile looks great on you Derek. You should try it more often." You playfully punched his arm. Once again, Derek rolled his eyes before making his way into one of the bedrooms.

You transferred the image from your cell phone to the computer. You had made some finishing touches to Derek's profile and it was time to click 'save' and create the profile.

You were about to click the button, but then you paused. You clicked 'cancel' instead.

In that same moment, Derek had come back. You turned around as he said, "forget the dating website. How about you and I go and see a movie?"

You couldn't help but smile. You nodded your head. "I'd like that."

Teen Wolf Imagines ➵Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora