Isaac; Runaway

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Isaac's POV

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. I was in her room; her sweet familiar scent filling my nostrils. Scott paced up and down as we both thought where Y/N could possibly be.

She had been missing for exactly seventy-two hours now. Inside I was falling apart. With each passing moment that I didn't see her, couldn't listen to her voice, I fell apart.

"She can't be there." I muttered and Scott stopped his rambling for a moment.

"W-Why not?" He paused. I don't understand why, but Scott seemed more freaked out than me. Don't get me wrong, I was completely freaked out, but I suffered on the inside.

"Because we already looked there." I stated as I stood up from the bed, my height now towering over Scott's.

"Right." He whispered to himself. The bedroom door swung open revealing Y/N's mother. Her face was wetted with tears and her hair was a mess.

"Anything? Any idea?" She asked hopeful. Scott and I exchanged glances before looking at her and shaking our heads.

"I'm sorry." Scott said. She slowly nodded her head, knowing that it was neither his nor her fault that Y/N was gone.

I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault. I was supposed to be protecting Y/N. What if something bad had happened to her? What if I was not there when she needed me the most?

"It's getting late," Y/N's mother sighed, "you boys should head home." She stepped aside and we walked out.

As soon as Scott and I were out of Y/N's house and could no longer see Mrs Y/L/N, I spoke up.

"Can't you just sniff her clothes and follow her scent?" I asked desperately.

"I've tried that.. The scents only lead me to the places we have looked. She isn't there." Scott ran his hand through his hair.

He looked so tired. We both felt exhausted​; we had been awake ever since I received a call from Y/N's mother telling me that Y/N didn't come home that night.

We climbed into Scott's car; him in the driver's seat and me on the passenger side​.

That's when everything hit me. Y/N was gone. She wasn't returning any calls or text messages. I had no idea what could have possibly happened to her. She could be in pain, she could be freezing, she could be dead- and I wouldn't even know.

I pressed my eyes shut as the tears threatened to fall. Scott turned to look at me before placing his hand on my shoulder.

"We'll find her Isaac. She's okay... Wherever she is."



Seventy-two hours. That's how long I've been away from home. I let out a long sigh as I looked up from my phone screen towards the lake in front of me.

I had countless texts and voice messages from Isaac. I felt absolutely terrible for leaving the way I did. It was so unexpected. I left without a warning. It's not like I planned on leaving; it was kind of spontaneous.

I needed to get away from everything. My parents, my friends, the supernatural world, school- everything.

I wanted to stay away for only a day, but I enjoyed the peace and the silence. I couldn't go back.

For the past few weeks my emotions have been all over the place. I had been bottling them all up and that's why I needed to get away.

If I had a choice, I'd want Isaac to be with me, because the only time I feel peaceful back home is when I am with him. But I was not ready to see him. I was not ready to hear everything he had to say about how worried he was when I disappeared. I already felt guilty enough.

I was dressed in Isaac's clothes when I ran away. I knew that if I were to wear my own, they'd find me easily. Plus, wearing his clothes made me feel like I was close to him. That's all I wanted right now.

I picked up my cellphone again and clicked on one of the voice messages Isaac had left for me.

"Hey angel... Y/N, where are you?" His voice was soft and calming. "I miss you so much. Everybody does. We're all so worried about you. We don't know if you're okay, we don't even know if you're alive... Please, if you hear this, just, please, call me. Text me. Just please do anything that will let me know you're safe. I haven't slept ever since I heard you were gone. I'm constantly worried about you. Y/N, I love you so much and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you. I hope you're okay. I hope you're safe. I won't stop looking for you... I love you. I love you so much."

Isaac's words brought tears to my eyes, because I felt bad for what I put him through; all of this pain and worrying. Also, because I missed his voice so much.

I stood up from the fallen oak tree that I was sitting on. Not only did I want to return home, I needed to. I had to put everybody's worries to rest. I needed to let them all know that I was okay.



Scott's house was my first stop when I arrived back in Beacon Hills. I was hoping that Isaac would be home instead of out searching in places where he wouldn't find me.

I took a deep breath in and knocked on the front door. I waited for quite a while before I heard shuffling on the other side. The door unlocked and opened. It was Ms McCall. When she saw me her eyes widened and she gasped. She immediately threw her arms around me and I hugged her back without hesitation.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" She smiled warmly.

"Is Isaac home?" I asked her as soon as we were finished hugging.

"Yeah, he's upstairs. The last time I saw him he was asleep, but you're more than welcome to head up there." She stepped aside allowing me to walk inside.

I made my way up the stairs with hesitant steps. I walked down the hallway to Isaac's bedroom. The door was left slightly ajar so I pushed it all the way open.

Isaac was still asleep, like Melissa had said. I went over to the side of the bed where he laid. I sat down beside his sleeping body.

I leaned closer to him and pressed my lips against his cheek. His eyes shot open almost instantly and widened at the sight of me.

He didn't say a word, he placed his hands on either side of my face and kissed me. I missed him so much.

"I'm sorry." I said in-between kisses. "I'm so sorry."

When Isaac stopped, my lips already felt numb.

"It's okay. You're okay. Thank God you're okay." He sounded slightly out of breath. "Why did you run away?"

"It doesn't matter. I was being selfish and stupid and I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.

Isaac ran his hand through my long hair as he whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too Isaac."

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