Liam; All I Want For Christmas

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It was Christmas eve and there was no better way to spend the night other than to be with your closest friends who were basically family.

You were all meeting up at Lydia's house. You had arrived late afternoon to help your best friend set up the snacks and wrap a few presents before placing them under the Christmas tree.

"I guess this is about it." Lydia smiled placing her hands on her hips. You looked around at the decorated living room and nodded your head. You were both proud of what you had done with the place and you were both excited for the evening.


"Hey guys." Scott smiled as he walked through the front door. He enveloped you and Lydia in a tight hug before making his way to the living room and plopping down onto one of the sofas.

As time passed by, Stiles arrived with Malia and Liam arrived with Hayden. Your mood had dropped at the sight of Liam's friend; you were actually hoping that he'd come alone. You were not very fond of Hayden.

"I'm so glad you're all here, because I bought each of you something." Lydia smiled widely as she padded towards the tree before bending down and picking up six tiny boxes wrapped in red and gold paper. "I know it's small, but I hope you like it." She handed each of us a box.

"We can only open it at midnight." You announced and everybody stopped themselves from tearing the gift open. Everyone groaned at your words causing you to laugh out loud.

The rest of the night consisted of laughing and reminiscing- everybody was having a great time. Except for you of course. You couldn't keep your eyes off of Liam and Hayden. She was always by his side; their arms constantly touching. You'd be lying if you said that you weren't jealous- because you sure as hell were.


Midnight was only a few minutes away and everyone was thrilled. It kind of felt like a New Years Eve party.

When the clock finally striked midnight, everybody wished each other a Merry Christmas. Stiles was in a hurry to open the gift Lydia had given him.

You were standing all alone in the kitchen until Liam walked in, taking you by surprise. You had the biggest crush on Liam, but he didn't know. You were never going to tell him; you knew that he didn't reciprocate your feelings. If he did, he wouldn't have brought Hayden along, right?

"Hey Y/N." He smiled as he approached you.

You returned the kind gesture. "Hi Liam."

"I-I, uh, I got you something." He said reaching down into his pocket before pulling out a small box- bigger than the one Lydia had given.

"Oh? thank you Liam. I didn't expect any gifts from you." You said truthfully, immediately feeling bad that you hadn't gotten anything for him. "I'm sorry, I, I didn't actually get anything for you."

He laughed. "No, don't worry about it. I don't want anything for Christmas."

"Really? Everybody wants at least one thing for Christmas."

"Nah." He shrugged. There was an awkwardly long silence before he spoke up again. "Actually, there is one thing I want for Christmas. It's the only thing I want for Christmas."

"What is it?" You asked, feeling curious. He tucked his hands into his pockets and looked down. He seemed nervous to answer you, but he eventually looked up to face you again.



I thought because it's almost Christmas I will post holiday themed imagines for the week!!

what is on your Christmas list??

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