Liam; Werewolves

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First Person POV

The air was cold against my bare arms, but I kept going. My breathing became heavy as I ran.

Night time had always been my favorite time to go for a run. It was peaceful; there were no people around, the streets were quiet and it felt as if I just had the entire town to myself.

It was dark, but I could still see where I was running; the dim street lamps lighting up my path just enough for me to not get lost.

I kept running at my normal pace, looking down for only a second when my body collided with something, or someone and I fell to the floor.

"Ow." I grimaced as I lifted my elbow, wincing as I noticed the blood escaping a new wound.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" A voice spoke and I looked up. I couldn't see facial features quite clearly due to the lack of brightness out here, but I could tell by the voice and masculinity that it was a boy. I raised my arm when noticing how his hand was extended and he helped me up.

"Thanks for that." I spoke, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. His features became clearer and I immediately recognized the guy from our school's lacrosse team. It was Liam. Liam Dunbar. Kinda cute, I thought to myself.

"I said I'm sorry. What are you even doing out this late at night?" He questioned as I dusted off my tights.

"I'm jogging, if it wasn't obvious already."

"It's not safe out here." He stated.

I scoffed, "what do you mean? It's Beacon Hills." I laughed. Beacon Hills was the safest place on earth. How could he say it wasn't?

"Well, yeah, but no." He kept averting his gaze to the right of where we were standing. I decided to follow his gaze and saw that we were beside a forest.

"But ye-" I was cut off by a strange noise. It sounded like a... Growl? A dog?

"What is that? A dog?" I furrowed my brows as my eyes examined the dark woods.

"A wer- a wolf. It's a wolf." He looked at me, "We should go." He suggested.

I laughed. "A wolf? There are no wolves in California. I've lived here long enough to know that." Was he trying to scare me? Because if he was, it definitely was not working.

"Whatever, let's just go. Away from here." He placed his hand on my arm, but I jerked away. Who did he think he was? My friend?

"You can leave. But I'm finishing my ru-" Once again I was interrupted by the same noise, except this time it sounded louder. Sounded closer.

"RUN!" Liam shouted at me. I was so frightened by his sudden loud voice that I started running.

I looked back to see if he was following, but he wasn't. Instead of running away from the sound, he followed it into the forest.

"What the hell is he doing?" I muttered under my breath. Before I knew what I was doing, I followed him.

I ran into the forest, the moon lighting up the way. I stopped and waited to hear a sound. But there was nothing.

"Liam!" I called out for him. What if he was dead? Hell, he ran into the woods after hearing an animal I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

I kept telling myself to go back, but my feet just kept on going further in.

"Liam!" I called again. Still no response.

Then I heard a branch breaking, causing my entire body to whirl around in a second. I saw somebody. A man. He stood less fifteen feet away from me.

My jaw dropped as I looked at him. I was speechless, lost for words. His eyes glowed a bright red and his face was covered in dark hairs. He breathed heavily, causing saliva to fall from his teeth. His teeth; they were abnormally large and sharp.

I didn't make a move; I couldn't. I physically couldn't. I was so afraid that all I wanted to do was run away as fast as I could, but I knew that if I did, it wouldn't end well.

I heard the familiar growling noise again, but this time I knew what the source was. It was coming from the person in front of me. The animal. I didn't know what to refer to it as.

"I thought I told you to run!" A familiar voice echoed through the trees. My eyes snapped towards Liam and I brought my hands to my mouth in fear. His eyes were glowing too, but they were bright yellow. His teeth were also sharp, and his fingernails were black and long.

"What the hell!" I screamed in fear. Liam let out a low growl as he looked towards the other man. The sound sent shivers down my spine.

Before I could say anything else, Liam had charged towards the bigger man, clawing at him with all of his strength.

I was fearful, but I was also curious. I wanted to know what the heck was going on here, but I started to run as Liam told me, "go!"


I couldn't sleep last night. I was still in shock, I was still afraid. Every time I closed my eyes, I feared that I'd open them and I'd see a monster.

I never did believe in monsters, but after what I saw last night, I knew that they were real. They were not just made up to scare young children.

I had no appetite, so I didn't even bother eating breakfast before heading out to school.

I walked through the doors of Beacon Hills High School, watching as everyone went on with their lives as normal, and I envied them, because I knew that after last night, my life would never be the same.

I was walking towards my locker, and that's when I spotted Liam. Thankfully, he was all alone, so I had the perfect opportunity to interrogate him.

"Hey, Liam!" I got his attention. His eyes widened a little when he saw me walking towards him, but he quickly recovered.

"Hey, Y/N, right? What's up?" He forced a small smile.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing. What the hell happened last night?" I raised my voice a little. He looked around before his eyes met with mine again.

"I told you Beacon Hills is not safe." He simply said.

"Alright thanks, I think I am quite aware of that now. So please, tell me what the heck I saw last night?" I felt like I was losing my mind, every time I thought back to the events of last night, I couldn't tell if it was reality or just another dream.

"Can we not talk about it right now? In front of all these people?" He spoke, lowering his voice. I rolled my eyes, grabbed his arm and pulled him into of the empty classrooms.

"Spill it." I demanded.

"You're not gonna believe me." He adjusted his backpack on his shoulder.

"Try me. After what I saw last night I believe pigs can fly!" I said, using exaggerated hand gestures.

"Fine!" He raised his hands, "werewolf. Okay? That guy was a werewolf."

"A werewolf?" I pursed my lips together. If he had told me this any other day, I would be on the floor crying with laughter, but I know what I saw last night. "So, you're a werewolf too?"

He nodded. "I'm only a beta. That guy was an alpha."

"That explains your different eye colors, right?" I looked at him.

"Yeah." He answered, the corners of his lips twitching up into a smile. He seemed relieved and quite surprised that I actually believed him. "So I suggest you don't go running alone at night anymore."

"Don't worry, I won't."

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