Isaac; Wing-Woman

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"Alright," you turned towards Isaac, "she's over there and she's alone, so you should go," he didn't move a muscle, "as in right now Lahey!"

"I-I can't!" He panicked. You had never seen Isaac this nervous before. You were not used to this side of Isaac. You only knew a comfortable, cocky Isaac Lahey. He must've really liked this girl.

"Isaac, the sooner you ask her out, the sooner we can both go home!" You gave him a push in the direction of Marissa, the girl Isaac was head over heels in love with.

"You d-do it." He pushed you in her direction. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I'm not in love with her Isaac! I'm not going to ask her out!" You almost shouted, but you had to keep your voice down.

"No, for me! Ask her out for me!" He whisper-yelled.

"Wha- No-"

"I'll do your history assignment." He offered. You squinted your eyes at him. You couldn't believe him.
He then added, "come on, the sooner you ask her, the sooner I can go home to do your history assignment which is due tomorrow."

Well, he was right. Your history assignment was due the next day, and you hadn't even started it yet.

You groaned. "Fine."

You approached the taller blonde girl. You could already smell her fragrance from just a few feet away.

"Uh, hello. Yes, hi." You got her attention. She gave you a questioning look. You continued, "hey yes, you don't know me. But I have this friend, and he's really into you and would like for you to- you know- go out with him- maybe?" You crossed your fingers.

"Does this friend have a name?" She asked.

"Isaac. Isaac Lahey." You answered, hoping she'd know who he was.

"Who the heck is that?" She frowned.

"M-My friend. H-He's a lacrosse player. He's really good at it too. And he's super tall so-"

"No." She interrupted you and turned away.

You didn't even care who this girl was anymore, you grabbed her arm and forced her to look at you.
"Listen Marissa, he really, really likes you. And this would mean the whole world to him. Please, just one night."

It actually looked as if she was considering saying yes. She looked down at her feet, then rolling her eyes, she said "yes."


After seeing the smile on Isaac's face when you had told him Marissa said yes, you were incredibly happy that you had helped him out. He was thrilled to be going out with the most popular and drop dead gorgeous girl in Beacon Hills High School.

Friday came rather quickly and it was the day of Isaac's date. He had been texting you pictures all afternoon of possible outfit ideas, to which you had to give your honest opinion. You had both agreed on something smart, but casual and just comfortable.

Your phone buzzed again, Isaac's name appearing at the top of the screen.

Isaac: Y/N what if I all nervous again and I can't speak?!

You: Relax, Lahey. You'll be fine. Just be calm and have a good time, okay?

Isaac: Okay. I'm excited! I'll text you when I'm back home.

You: ;)

An hour passed. And then another. You couldn't wait for Isaac to get back to you with all of the details. Your phone buzzed again and you opened the text that you received from Isaac.

Isaac: Uhm, she didn't show up...

Your heart cracked. You felt terrible for Isaac. You didn't even text back, you stood up from the sofa and hurried out to your car.

You pulled up in the driveway of Isaac's house. You walked up to the front door and knocked impatiently until he opened it.

The sight of you caused a faint smile to appear on his lips. He didn't say a word, he just stepped aside and motioned for you to come inside. You entered.

"I'm sorry Isaac. I didn't know that she was going to be such a bitch." You didn't even feel sorry for calling her that.

Isaac took a seat on the couch. "It's alright. I guess it's a good thing, I was getting really nervous anyway." He didn't keep eye contact with you for very long. He looked at his shoes instead.

There was a long moment of silence. You felt so bad for your friend. He didn't deserve this. He deserved the best. You didn't even deserve him.

"I'll hang out with you." You sat down beside him.

"It's okay, really. You don't have to stay here."

"I really want to. Come on, let's order pizza and watch a movie or something." He stayed silent for a few moments, then smiled warmly at you.

"Thanks Y/N."

"No problem Lahey."

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