Isaac; Be Alright

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hey i feel bad for not updating so here is a short imagine inspired by a song i really like right now, enjoy!


Isaac's POV

Y/N was avoiding eye contact ever since we started walking. She wasn't laughing as much as she usually would whenever I cracked a lame joke or said something witty. Something was wrong, I could tell. I paused mid sentence.

"Babe, you okay?" I asked, clearly catching her off guard. She smiled as she nodded her head, but it didn't last very long. I became more concerned. "What's wrong Y/N?"

She looked me in the eye. She hesitated for a moment before she said something I never thought I'd ever hear her say, "I made a dumb mistake."

The light in her eyes faded as the following words slipped off her tongue. I began to shake as I watched the tears fall from her eyes.

I backed away, but she quickly reached out for me. I recoiled from her touch immediately.

"Please don't touch me." I said, my words coming out a lot harsher than I had intended it to be, but I couldn't care less. My tone of voice had surprised her, I could tell, so she backed away.

"I'm sorry Isaac." Y/N whispered. I ignored her and left.


I could barely focus. My mind was filled with countless thoughts, just as my phone was filled with countless unread text messages from Y/N.
It took everything in me to not reply to any of her messages. I wanted to, I really did, with all my heart. But my friends kept telling me not to; they were trying so hard to distract me from thinking about her.

It wasn't working.

At this point, even I was trying to stop myself from thinking about her- about everything.
But every time I closed my eyes, I pictured Y/N kissing another guy. I imagined her running her hands through his hair, and I imagined their bodies against each other's- skin against skin. I wanted to scream.

"Hey man," I heard Scott's voice, it pulled me out of the pool of thoughts, "Isaac?"

I snapped out of it. "Yeah?"

"You alright?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. I wanted to yell at him and say that I wasn't, but it would be wrong of me to take my anger out on him when he's done nothing wrong.

So all I said was, "yeah, yeah I'm fine."
Scott nodded his head, not entirely convinced by my answer, but he wouldn't push me to be honest.

"Of course he's not." Stiles chimed in. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't deny the truth. "His girlfriend of thirteen months betrayed him and you're asking if he's okay." He was right. I hated that he was right.

"That's enough Stiles." I glared at him. Just the sound of his voice was enough to annoy me, but I couldn't take hearing him say that Y/N cheated on me. It made it all too real. I felt the wave of unwanted emotions hit me all over again.

My cell phone vibrated. I checked to see Y/N's name light up the screen. I almost answered, but Stiles grabbed the phone from my hand. I frowned, "what the hell Stiles?"

He declined the call. Scott and I looked at him, waiting for him to give us a reason for his action.

"Isaac," Stiles took a breath, "you know I hate you, right?" I rolled my eyes again, but let him continue, "but I also hate seeing you like this... What Y/N did was really shitty and I know all you wanna do is talk to her and fix everything up, but that might not be the best thing right now. You can't just let her come back, she might just go and make the same dumb mistake again."

Scott looked at me, "he's got a point."

I turned away, I didn't want them to see the tears fall from my eyes. "I love her." My voice cracked.

"I know," Scott placed his hand on my shoulder, "I know you do man, but you gotta let her go."

"It will hurt now, but it won't hurt forever." Stiles added on. He also placed his hand on my shoulder, "nothing heals the past like time does."

I knew that they were both right, and I knew that it would take every cell in my body to not go back to Y/N.

I just needed time. A lot of time. It would take a long while, but in the end, I'll be alright.


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thank you for reading

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