Theo; Moving Along

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Theo steps in front of the mirror; a deep sigh escapes his lips as he takes his reflection in. His friends are right- he looks like shit. But the way he feels couldn't even compare to the way he looks. He feels like complete shit.

The feeling is quite a familiar one to him. He has felt it in the past- only short term though. He usually felt like this after he and Y/N had a fight and weren't on speaking terms. Those could last up to four days, but never longer.

But this time, it feels like forever. Theo walks away from the mirror; he hates being reminded of his current state. He hates being reminded that he's alone. What hurts him the most is knowing that Y/N isn't going to come strolling through the front door. He knows that they aren't going to talk things out and make everything right. It's been seven months.

Seven whole months has passed since he's seen her face. Her beautiful face.
Seven whole months and he still feels out of place. He still feels lost. He wonders if she is feeling the same way.

Everything in the house still reminds him of her. On the wall there are still framed photographs of her, them- when they were happy. In the closet there are still clothing items she had forgotten; it still smells like her.

There are days when Theo misses Y/N tremendously. He wishes that he could go back in time. Then there are the days when he wishes that he had never even met Y/N. If she was never in his life to begin with, he wouldn't be feeling the way he does right now.

But not a day goes by when he doesn't think of her- what she's doing, who she's with, is she happier than what she was, or is she suffering just as much as him?

Theo makes his way to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator in search for a beer, but he finds nothing. He groans loudly and slams the door. Picking up his car keys, he leaves the empty house and drives to the supermarket.

He really didn't want to be seen out of the house today because of how terrible he looks, but a part of him didn't even care.

He walks into the supermarket and it's emptier than usual. Making his way down the familiar route towards the cheap alcohol, his tired eyes catch a glimpse of a familiar face. A very, very familiar face.

There she is, holding her cellphone against her ear, her lips curved into the biggest smile he's ever seen. His heart speeds up and he can feel the pulse of it against his ribs.

He stops in his tracks and his eyes widen; she notices him too and her expression soon mimics his own. She says one last thing into the phone before hanging up and placing it in her handbag. Theo doesn't hesitate to rush over to Y/N. As soon as he comes to a stop, he can sense how awkward and uncomfortable she feels.

"Y/N, hi," Theo quickly says, sounding quite out of breath.

"Theo," she breathes out,

"How are you?" He instantly asks her, dying to just speak with her and hear her voice.

But Y/N doesn't feel the same way. "I have to go." She tries to walk away. Theo stops her.

"Wait, is everything okay?" He asks her, a look of concern takes over his features.

"Everything's fine, Theo. Perfect actually. I'm in a great mood and I'm just afraid you're going to ruin it." She answers quite honestly, causing a tiny sting in his chest.

"I-I'm sorry... But I'm glad to see you're, uh, happy." He gives her a small smile and loosens his grip on her arm.

"Thanks. I could only be depressed for so long after being dumped... Life goes on." She adjusts her handbag on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that too." He looks down. Y/N examines Theo from head to toe.

"Theo, I'm only asking this because I'm concerned... Are you okay?" She looks at him, awaiting an answer.

"Uhm, not really I guess." He chuckles lightly. He knows that he doesn't look okay at all. Y/N can't help but feel a little bit sorry for him. "I guess I'm suffering from the breakup more than you are... You look- you look great."

"I'm surprised actually. I mean, seeing that you're the one who ended it." Her words come out more harsh than she intended. He looks at her, but doesn't say anything.

She carries on, "it's been seven months, Theo. I was so heartbroken when you broke up with me, but I had to get over it sooner or later. You should too."

"I know... I'm trying, I really am." His gaze is locked on his shoes. There's a long moment of silence and Y/N realizes there's nothing left to say.

She places her hand on his arm for a moment before lowering it again and giving him a quick 'goodbye'.
Y/N walks away, leaving Theo alone with his thoughts.

He wants to move on and be as happy as she is now, but deep down he knows that it will take time, and he holds onto the hope that he can still find happiness without her by his side.

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