Isaac; Keeping You Warm

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You were not okay with allowing Isaac to do this. To let the others shove him into ice water and slow his heart rate down until he's pretty much dead- not exactly what you want for your boyfriend. They were going to do it anyway and there was nothing you could do to change their mind, so you remained quiet in the corner of the room as you watched Isaac get pushed down into the water. You watched as he fought to come back up, you watched as his eyes glowed bright yellow, you watched as he became completely motionless. You wanted nothing more than to get him out of there, but you couldn't.

After it ended, you rushed over to your boyfriend and wrapped a towel around his freezing body, hugging him tightly in attempt to warm him up. Everybody was talking - arguing - about what Isaac said he saw. You were listening, but you remained focused on warming him up.

"You don't remember what you said right before you came out, do you?" Stiles asked Isaac, getting the beta's full attention.

"No, what?" Isaac asked, clearly confused.

"You said there was a dead body. You said it was Erica." Stiles reminded him.


You told Isaac to be quiet, afraid that your parents would wake up and find you sneaking in a drenched teenage boy. He was still shaking from the cold, and you wanted nothing more than to just hold him in your arms and keep him as warm as possible.

"Let's go upstairs. Stay quiet." You whispered and he nodded his head. After slowly making your way up, you led Isaac to the bathroom and locked the door once you were both in.

"It's so c-cold. Are you not getting cold?" He shivered as you removed the towel from around his shoulders.

You shook your head, "I wasn't the one who was shoved under ice water until I almost died." Your tone was rather harsh.

"Why do you sound so angry?" Isaac's lips were still purple in color. His voice was raspy.

"Maybe I am." You placed your hands on his arms, finding it hard to believe how cold his skin was. "How could you do that? Do you understand how dangerous that was?"

"I had no choice." He spoke softly.

"You always have a choice Isaac." You walked over to the bathtub and turned the faucet, allowing hot water to fill up the tub.

"I had to help find Boyd and Erica." He removed his t-shirt. When you didn't look at him, he took a hold of your arm. You turned around.

"I know." After there was enough bath water, you motioned for Isaac to get in. "I just don't think you understand how scary it was watching you go through that, and not being able to do anything to help you."

"I'm sorry." He didn't waste any time climbing into the bathtub; the hot water warming up his icy skin. You took a seat on the floor beside the tub. Isaac touched the side of your face with his hand, "please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad." You assured him. "I'm happy that you're okay." You placed your hand over his, which was already slowly starting to get back to its original temperature.

There was a long moment of silence, but it was quite comfortable for both of you. Isaac's hand was stroking your hair for a while, then he stopped.

"Did I really say Erica is dead?" He quietly asked. He sounded sad; it caused your heart to break a little. You looked at him, and having almost no energy to speak, you just nodded your head.

A tear fell from his eyes. You knew how much Erica meant to him. She was his first real friend. "I'm sorry Isaac." You whispered. He wiped away the tears with his hands.

"I never want to lose you Y/N." He said. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden change of topic, but you didn't say anything. "If anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I'd do."

"You're not going to lose me Isaac." That was all you could say to comfort him. He tilted his head to look at you and cupped the side of your face with his hand. He leaned closer and kissed you. The kiss almost felt desperate. He kissed you like he wouldn't ever be able to again. You could feel his pain and sadness.

"I love you."

"I love you too Isaac." You smiled and leaned into the touch of his hand. You let out a breathy laugh, the pleasant sound echoing in the bathroom.

"What is it?" Isaac raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing." You pressed your lips against his again briefly. "Your lips. They're still so cold."

"You could always help me out with that." He smirked, his voice was a low whisper.

"You're such a flirt Lahey." You giggled as you leaned in closer to capture his lips in a kiss again.

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