Scott; It's Not A Mistake If I Don't Regret It

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"I'm coming!" You shout as you rush towards the front door of your apartment. You were in the middle of straightening your hair until there was a knock on the door. The person will just have to see you with half of your hair thick and the other half straightened.

You unlock the door and open it. Your lips slightly part in shock as your eyes are met with a familiar pair of brown ones.

"S-Scott?" You barely whisper. The corners of his lips twitch up into a smile.

"Hey." He greets. He doesn't look a lot different than the last time you had seen him- which was exactly eleven months ago.

The last time you saw Scott McCall was the day he left for college. The day he left Beacon Hills to go and study to be a veterinarian. That was also the day the two of you had broken up. It was hard to end your relationship.

You and Scott had been a couple since Junior year. When he told you that he would be leaving town, it broke you. You thought about it for days before deciding that it would be best to end the relationship. You couldn't stand the thought of being so far from him and laying in bed constantly wondering if he is maybe not with some other girl. A prettier girl. A smarter girl. A perfect girl.

You still have a special spot in your heart for Scott, you always will. You still love him, but not the way you used to. You love him as a good friend. All the time apart has caused your romantic feelings for him to falter.

For the past two months you have been seeing somebody. Dustin. He is sweet, funny and not a werewolf. But despite everything, seeing Scott at your front door sure did surprise you and, remind you of all the good memories the two of you share.

"What are you doing here?" You step aside and allow him in, immediately feeling self conscious about your hair. It looks terrible.

"I just arrived back in town. Thought I'd come and see you." He smiles.

"Oh." You say. "Can I get you something to drink?" You already make your way towards the kitchen.

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Okay." You walk back towards where he is standing. "So how's college?"

"It's great." He takes a seat on the sofa and looks up at you. "A little strange not having everyone around anymore. I really miss the pack."

"We miss you too." You sit down beside him. "I'm surprised the place hasn't fallen apart since you left." You say and the two of you laugh.

"I gotta say I am too. But how are you? How's life treating you?" He continues to stare at you as you look down at your hands.

"Good, actually. I got a job at the Sheriff's station; it's not that big of a deal, but it pays the rent." You choose to rather not mention Dustin even though it might be an important detail to tell Scott. Even though the two of you have not been romantically involved for the last couple of months, you still never hid anything from him. He is like your best friend.

"That's good... I love your hairstyle, by the way." He lightly laughs and you playfully slap his arm.

"I was kind of in the middle of straightening it. How rude of you to just show up while I was dealing with a crisis." You joke.

There is a brief moment of quietness, but it doesn't feel uncomfortable. You and Scott had always been able to sit in silence without feeling awkward about it.

You are taken by surprise as Scott's hand reaches towards you and he places a strand of your hair behind your ear. You half smile at his gesture before looking away from him.

"I'm sorry. That's kind of a habit." He breathes, pulling his hand back.

"No, no. It's okay, I understand." You have to remind yourself that you and Scott are not a couple, but in that moment it really did feel as if nothing had changed. It felt as though you were both still in high school; you were both still in love.

"I'll be right back." You stand up and walk into your bedroom. You felt as though you needed a minute to collect your thoughts. The feeling of Scott's fingers gently brushing against your skin a moment ago caused a whole lot of emotions to come flooding back.

You stand in front of your mirror and close your eyes. You inhale deeply and wait a few seconds before releasing the air back into the atmosphere.

Your eyes open and you flinch slightly at the sight of Scott behind you. You look at him through the mirror and bring a hand up to your chest.

"You scared the crap out of me." You tell him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." You feel as his hands are placed on your waist and he turns your body around.

Your faces are only inches apart and you couldn't deny how much you have missed this. You miss being near to him.

His eyes shift from looking into yours to looking down at your lips. You know that if he tried to kiss you, you wouldn't be able to stop him. You know that it is wrong; you technically have a boyfriend.

Scott curls his fingers under your chin and tilts your head up. He leans forward and soon you feel the familiar sensational feeling inside of you. You are actually kissing Scott. Your ex boyfriend. While your current boyfriend is out working his ass off.

"Scott." You mumble before breaking the kiss and resting your hands on his chest.

"Sorry, that was-" You cut him off.

"A mistake? Yeah. It's okay, don't worry about it." You walk past him.

"I was going to say it's just a habit. I really missed you Y/N. I missed feeling your touch and I missed hearing your laugh. That was not a mistake. It's only a mistake if I regret doing it,"

You turn around to face him.

"And I don't." He finishes.

Your shoes become incredibly interesting as you lock your gaze with them, not sure of what to say.

"I missed you too Scott." You tell him truthfully. There is no doubt that you missed him. "But I, I have a boyfriend."

Scott's hopeful smile fades instantly. "Oh." He tries his best to smile again. "Well then, I'm happy for you."


"Yeah, yeah of course." He flashes his familiar friendly smile. The smile that still make your knees weak. "I guess I should go."

"You don't have to." You stop him by holding onto his forearm. "I mean, I would like it if you told me all about college."

"Alright, sure."

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