Scott; The Morning After

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Your eyes fluttered open and you saw the plain white ceiling above you. You were not laying in your own bed; you were not at home. The scent of all of Scott's sweaters filled your nostrils as you turned on your side only to see him not laying next to you.

"Sco-" You tried getting up, but the pain in your lower abdomen caused you to collapse back onto the mattress.

Memories from last night began playing in your mind. You could recall almost every word said between the two of you, you could feel every touch and you still felt the butterflies in your stomach take flight just by remembering everything.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself. You and Scott had been dating for almost two years now and last night was your first time together. You know that Scott had done it before, but it was actually your first time ever. Scott had made sure to make it the most special evening of your life and he sure did succeed in doing so.

Suddenly, you became fearful and nervous. Would things with Scott still feel the same? Would it feel different now that the two of you had seen parts of each other that you haven't before?

That's when he walked in.

"Good morning." He smiled widely, his eyes almost closing completely. He wore a grey sweatpants with his chest still bare. You instantly felt shy.

"Morning." You greeted as he walked to your side of the bed and sat down on the edge. He used his hand to cup your face before leaning closer and softly pressing his lips against yours.

"You hungry?" He asked when the kiss broke. You nodded your head. "Let's go eat." He stood up and reached out to take your hand. You placed your smaller hand in his and lifted yourself off of the bed.

You and Scott made your way down the stairs and into the kitchen where you could see breakfast set on the countertop. You blushed.

"You didn't have to." You giggled slightly.

"I wanted to." You sat down and he took a seat beside you. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay... It hurts a little." You barely whispered the last part. Scott placed his hand over yours and gave it a gentle squeeze.

You began eating the breakfast that Scott had prepared, the room completely silent. What you were most afraid of had happened. Things were different between you and your boyfriend. Usually, the two of you would be talking nonstop, telling each other things that were irrelevant and making the stupidest jokes, but now, you guys were quiet. As if you had nothing to say to one another. That scared you a lot.

Still, you didn't say anything. You felt that if you were to utter a single word, it would only make the situation more awkward.

Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe you were the only one feeling this way. Maybe Scott was waiting for you to say the first word. Maybe you were right and he did have absolutely nothing to say to you anymore. There were so many thoughts running through your mind at the moment and you didn't realize that you had stopped eating.

"Y/N, are you okay?" You averted your eyes from your plate towards Scott who held a worried expression. 

"Uh, yeah- yes, uhm, I was just wondering why we're being so... Silent? I was kind of scared that by doing what we did last night, things between us would change, and right now, I feel like it has." You tried explaining. You hoped that he understood how you felt and what you meant. "Is it different now?"

Scott stayed quiet for several moments. "I don't think it's different. I mean, what we did last night was different and it was a big step, but I don't feel any different about you. I love you as much as I did before last night... I promise you it's the same as before. My feelings for you didn't change because of this."

"Mine for you didn't change either." You smiled softly. Scott leaned closer and pecked you on your cheek.

You were relieved now that Scott had told you nothing had changed. You couldn't be happier. Your relationship only became stronger.

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