Stiles; A Thousand Reasons To Stay

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You walked through the front door to your apartment. The apartment that you shared with Stiles. It was empty; he had left early in the morning to go and hang out with Scott. On any other day, it would have not bothered you. But today, it did. You only saw it as an issue because he walked out the front door after the two of you had a huge disagreement. There was a lot of yelling, and countless hurtful words exchanged that you regretted now. But unfortunately, none of it could be taken back. You were hurt, and so was he.

You breathed in deeply making your way towards the bedroom. You kneeled down beside the bed and reached under before pulling out a large suitcase.

You tossed it onto the bed and opened it. You found yourself staring at it for several long moments. You didn't want to do this, but after what Stiles had said to you, you felt that it was best if he came home to an empty apartment. He was right, maybe his life would be less complicated without you in it.

You replayed his words in your mind, and that's when you stormed towards the closet and opened its doors. You grabbed every item of clothing that belonged to you, carried it towards the bed and threw it into the empty case.

After collecting all of your necessary belongings, you closed the suitcase and picked it up. Walking back into the living room, you stopped and placed the case on the ground.

You looked around at the surroundings. All of the furniture, the framed pictures that decorated the walls and even Stiles' t-shirt from the night before that was tossed on the sofa.

Memories began to fill your mind. From the day the both of you moved in; unpacking was an absolute nightmare. It took almost a week to get settled in, because Stiles would always fool around, distracting you from unpacking the boxes and moving the furniture.

You turned towards the kitchen. You could see yourself and Stiles having what seemed like the best time of your life as if it were just yesterday. You would sit on the countertop as he stood in front of you between your legs. You'd both be snacking on something unhealthy while laughing at the stupidest jokes or having the deepest of conversations.

It all brought tears to your eyes. You were never one to walk away from somebody after some misunderstanding or disagreement. You were never one to give up this easily. You were the one to always solve the problems, and if there seemed to be no solution, you'd make one.

You hated yourself for leaving like this, but for some reason, you felt like you didn't have a choice. You wanted Stiles to be happy, and if leaving would give him that happiness, then that's exactly what you'd do.

"Crap." You cursed under your breath as you wiped the unwanted tears from your face. You went to the bathroom to grab a tissue and dried your tears.

You entered the living room just as the front door shut, Stiles looking at you then shifting his gaze towards the packed suitcase on the floor.

"Y/N, what's going on here?" He asked. His voice was soft and his confusion was evident. You didn't know what to say to him, for you were hoping that there would be no need to say anything at all. You were hoping to be gone by the time he arrived.

"I'm doing what you wanted Stiles. I'm leaving." You told him.

"Leaving? You're leaving? Just like that?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "since when do you leave without trying to solve a problem?"

"Since you told me that your life would be much easier without me... I want you to be happy Stiles, and you're not. I found the solution to that problem, And that's me leaving." You walked to the suitcase and picked it up.

He didn't hesitate to take a step towards you and take the suitcase from you, placing it back on the ground. "What on earth makes you think that you leaving would make me happy... Y/N, you're the," his voice cracked a little, "you're the only reason I am happy."

The emotion in his voice caused the tears to fall from your eyes once more, making you look down to avoid his eyes.

"But Stiles, this morning you sai-" You began but he cut you off.

"I didn't mean it... You know I didn't. I was angry... Please don't leave, you have no reason to go." He pleaded and took a hold of your hand. You pulled it out of his grip.

"I do have a reason Stiles. You said you didn't want me here. That's a good enough reason for me."

"That means nothing. You're going to leave because I said something that I clearly didn't mean?" He took a step backwards.

"Stiles," you whispered.

"That's one reason to go Y/N, because of my stupidity. But I didn't mean a thing I said this morning... So if you want to leave, and I mean if you really want to, then I can't stop you. But just remember, there's a thousand reasons for you to stay." He ran his hand through his short, dark hair. He forced a small smile and nodded his head before walking past you towards the bedroom.

"Stiles, wait." You called after him. He turned around, a glimpse of hope shimmering in his eyes.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This isn't me, I shouldn't just leave without solving anything. That's selfish of me." You told him. Slowly, he made his way back to you.

"I hate fighting with you," he said as he stopped in front of you, placing a strand of your loose hair behind your ear, "please let's not ever do it again. And please, let's just forget all of this happened."

You nodded your head. A wave of relief washed over you as you felt Stiles' lips on yours. You were so thankful that this was all behind you. You never wanted to fight with him again. Yes, there were a thousand reasons for you to stay here, but each of those reasons only led back to him. He was the only one that mattered.

"Let's go and unpack this suitcase, okay?"

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