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chimchim95: hey kookie

kookie97: yeah?

chimchim95: meet me at the park on campus in 20 minutes

kookie97: why?

chimchim95: you'll see :)

chimchim95 logged off

Jungkook smiled to himself and shook his head. Jimin was always full of surprises. He was already dressed pretty nice, so he threw on his wool coat and some boots before leaving the house. It was finally the first night of winter break, but it was chilly outside.

He reached the park and it was dark and empty. Fear and insecurity started to rise up in his stomach and he almost turned to leave when the lights on the trees turned on. He looked around and saw Jimin standing with his back towards him in the middle of the park in front of the frozen water fountain. He smiled and walked towards the older who must've heard him coming because Jimin turned around holding up a dry erase board that read:

'Kookie, you're amazing and beautiful. I knew when I met you there was going to be something special about you, and now I know what that is. You were going to be the first person I've fallen for. I really like you Jungkook, will you be my boyfriend?'

Jungkook smiled and looked at his hyung with teary eyes. Jimin smiled back at him with his starry crescent shaped eyes and Jungkook knew he felt the same. He ignored the twinge in his gut and nodded at the older.

Jimin dropped the whiteboard and cupped the younger's cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe the tears from his eyes. He leaned up and kissed him. Jungkook was startled, but soon felt himself get lost in the kiss and he grabbed Jimin's waist.

He was in heaven.

But then,

He felt a hand on his shoulder jerking him away from Jimin.

Jungkook spun around to an angry Taehyung.

His eyes were like fire, but soon melted away as he got a pained look on his face. Jungkook felt something fall to his feet and saw that Taehyung had dropped a bouquet of roses. His eyes widened as he looked up and saw the older running away.

Jungkook looked back at Jimin and bowed his head which was followed by a frown and nod from his hyung. Jungkook picked up the bouquet and ran as fast as he could following Taehyung. He was angry at himself for not being able to scream his name.

Even though he couldn't yell he still tried. He was sure something must've come out since Taehyung looked around his shoulder, but continued running. The only thing that reassured Jungkook that noise came out was the vibration in his neck and Taehyung's reaction.

He eventually caught up to the older as he was about to enter a building. He grabbed his hood and pulled him backwards almost making him fall, but Jungkook caught him by his hips. Taehyung pushed the younger off of him and Jungkook could tell he was yelling, but then watched him stomp his foot and grab his hair with both hands as he remembered that Jungkook can't hear him.

He opened the notebook he had been clutching  the whole time and feverishly started writing. When he had pushed Jungkook it had made him fall on the ground which shot pain into his spine, but Taehyung didn't seem to care. Jungkook frowned as rain started coming down.

Taehyung finished writing and violently ripped the paper out as inaudible sobs came from his mouth. He threw the paper down onto the wet concrete next to Jungkook before pushing a code into the keys next to the door and entering the building.

'I was gone for so long because I was figuring out my feelings for you Jungkook! Don't you know how much I love you?! You said you would wait for me!!! But I found you kissing some other guy in the park?! I was dumb for loving you and that kid is too! You're useless and insensitive! I can't believe i trusted you!! I don't ever want to see you again Jeon Jungkook! And I'm throwing your song out too!! Goodbye!!'

Jungkook felt his vision blur as the reality hit him. He really was useless. The puddles built around him as he stared down at the paper. The ink was melting away, and he hoped he would too. He didn't want to be here anymore.

After awhile longer he realized he was shivering and looked down to see his fingertips turning blue. He looked up with his blurry vision to see the moon still visible, but there were black edges around it. He felt himself begin to fall back when suddenly strong arms caught him while he blacked out.


A/N: this was so sad omg

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