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{Jungkook's POV}

I watched Taehyung from afar on his phone as Yoongi tended to my wounds and got me dry clothes. "I thought he was living with you. How could he kick you out?" Yoongi asked me. It's such a long story I don't feel like telling, but I have a feeling if I don't tell them I'll have to leave.

"Well, we became a couple as you know and I sold my apartment to move in with him. We were so so happy. Everything was great until he found out I had been trying to find where you live. I didn't even care if Taehyung would be outside I just wanted a sign that he was okay. When Jimin found out we got in this huge fight about how he'd saved me and everything and I told him he did, but Taehyung saved me first so I at least wanted to find him. That made him really angry and we actually ended up beating each other. It was so bad and he was so scary. I never thought Jimin could be like that. So he threw me out with just my phone and the clothes I was wearing. I didn't know where to go, so I came here."

I let the tears roll down my face as Yoongi frowned. "It'll be alright Jungkook." He whispered to me and patted my back.
"H-he told me he hated me and that I was just a worthless boy with too many issues." I said lowly as another son came out. I'm so embarrassed with myself.

"Issues?" Taehyung asked as he looked up at me from his phone. Oh no. I forgot. They don't know anything. Do I tell them? "Uhh nothing I just mean relationship issues that's all." I looked back down as Yoongi wrapped my knuckles in gauze. He was a really good caretaker.

My heart beat faster as i felt someone tip my chin up. I met Taehyung's eyes that were full of speculation, and surprisingly, worry. "I know you're lying. What issues?" He hissed out. I felt my lip tremble from the fear and chills went down my spine from the hot breath hitting my face. I try to look away and get his grip off my face, but I can't. He won't let me.

I slowly look up and see him staring into my soul. I can taste the salty tears that rolled down my cheeks. I have to tell him and I hate myself for it.

"M-my hearing."

"What about it?"

"I-it's getting bad again."

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