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{guess the POV ㅋㅋㅋ}

I frown as I walk into the dance studios for the sixth day in a row. I don't know why I'm so sad. This isn't my fault. Is it? I'm starting to think it really is my fault. I was just so upset and confused and had a lot going on in my life too. Maybe i should talk to him? It's been a few weeks since the incident. Maybe we can talk it out.

I backtrack to the dance building and walk into the lobby to find a very familiar looking boy. He had a chubby face and stunning blonde hair with a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Then it hit me. It's the boy from the park that day. He started walking my way, but stopped when he saw me.

"You're Kim Taehyung, aren't you?" He asked. I nodded slowly and frowned. He threw down his duffel bag and stomped up to me with fire in his eyes. "You hurt my Kookie."

"Your Kookie?" I asked and stepped closer so I could look down at him. "He was my Kookie first."

"And you broke him."

I step back and stare at him. There's tears in his eyes. "Well, is he here? I want to talk with him."
"Don't you get it? He can't even come to school. He hasn't been out of his apartment since the day after everything happened. I take him breakfast in the morning and dinner every single night, but he doesn't let me in. I set it down and knock loudly so he feels the vibrations and sneak behind a plant in the hallway to watch him grab it. He doesn't text me. He doesn't call me. Nothing. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go take him food now."

I hate myself.

"Can I come along? Please. I just wanna see him. I won't say anything, okay?" Jimin looks at me with narrowed eyes before nodding. I smile a little and follow him out to the ramen shop on campus. The workers there have his order for Jungkook memorized.

After what feels like hours we're at Jungkook's door. Jimin carefully places the bag down and pounds on the door. We shuffle over behind the big plant. "It takes a minute and thirty four seconds every time." I nod and stare at the door. I don't think I've blinked. I'd be happy with seeing his foot at this point.

1:34 passes and no answer. Jimin looks worried, but doesn't say anything. Maybe he's running late. While we're waiting I get up and log into my account I texted him on and unblock him. He's sent me over 200 messages. I read through them frantically. Each one is worse than the last. Then finally the last one which was today at 4:25. I look at the time on my phone that reads 4:36 and we've only been here five minutes.

jungkookiebunny: hyung, if you're reading this I'm gone. I decided I don't have a purpose here. No one that cares about me, they only pity me. I hate myself. I'm awful at dancing. I'm just awful. So today at 4:26 I am going to slit my wrists. Why should it matter? You said it yourself, I'm useless.

"JIMIN WE HAVE TO GET IN THERE RIGHT NOW!" I scream with tears streaking my face. Jimin stands up and I toss him my phone. He scans the message and his face grows white. We both run to the door and ram ourselves into it. All I can hear is the blood pumping in my veins. He can't die. He can't. He can't.

At the fourth try the flimsy door cracks. Jimin yells in pain and frustration and begins punching holes in the cracks and I join in. All that's on my mind is him. His smile. His eyes. His name. His uniqueness. His dances. Jungkook.

We bust through the door and run to the kitchen. Jungkook is slumped against the side of the fridge in a pool of blood. There's tears shining on his face from the light of the window. No. Jimin beats me over there. He's shaking him and suddenly Jungkook coughs and his eyes open a bit, but I can tell they aren't focusing on us.

I pull out my phone with shaky hands and dial 911 before joining Jimin with a blanket from the couch. I wrap his arms in the thick blanket.

"You stay with me Jeon Jungkook!!" I scream and his eyes meet mine. My vision is blurred from the tears, but I don't care. He at least sees me. He's consuming my thoughts while the smell of blood consumes the rest. I grab his face and kiss him. I had to do it at least once.

I may never be able to do it again.

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