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A/N: y'all actually like this? Holy moly thank you for over 400 reads bless u all

{Jungkook's POV}

I can't believe he is the boy from my dream. He gives me a bad feeling, but at the same time he makes my chest feel warm and my stomach do somersaults. I hate this feeling whatever it means.

I don't think I can sleep anymore. I just can't deal with this anymore. Maybe I'll go for a walk. I groan at the aching in my stomach as I put on a hoodie and some sweatpants. It's getting warmer out, but it's colder in the morning.

I move quietly out of my apartment so I don't wake the other two if they're even asleep. I wonder what Taehyung is doing. When he hugged me it felt so foreign yet something inside me told me it was familiar. Once I let myself get hugged by him it felt like deja vu. This is all so weird.

I frown when I get outside and there's light rain falling in the darkness, but I continue to walk anyway. It's not too heavy yet. I just need some space from home to think.

I went to the park and my head started to ache. I feel so dizzy, but why so sudden? The rain is heavier, but I was fine until I got here. I sit down on a rain coated bench and grip at my hair. Why is this happening to me? I close my eyes and though there's a heavy downpour I feel myself losing consciousness.


I walk to him and he turns around with a whiteboard and roses in hand. I read his confession on the board and my heart races. I look up to him, but his face is blurry. Not again. I feel his lips press against mine and it feels nice, but sends my gut whirling and not in a good way. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Taehyung? And he's angry. He drops something at my feet as tears fill his eyes. Roses.

I run after him and follow him to a building before grabbing his hood pulling him away from the door. He looks frustrated and hurt. Why? What did I do to him? He writes furiously in his notebook and throws the paper at me on the ground. It tells me how I said I'd wait for him and how useless and horrible I am. I guess he's right. I wish I knew who the guy from the park was and why Taehyung was so upset with me. The words on the paper hit me like a train.


"Jungkook?" I wake up to somebody shaking my shoulders. I'm still on the park bench drenched in rain. I look at who's in front of me and it's Taehyung. I smile a little and he laughs, but it sounds more like relieved crying. "Come on Kookie, let's get you home."

I'm draped in his jacket as we run back to my apartment. I'm still so sad and upset from that dream. I'll have to ask him about it later. He still hasn't let go of my hand.

We arrive home where he leads me to the couch and I sit down. He's about as soaked as I am, but it's like he doesn't even notice. He runs over with two big quilts and his notebook and sits down next to me, draping us in the blankets. He gets back up and heads upstairs like he forgot something and came down a couple minutes later with a new hoodie for me. I smile and slip it on after taking off the drenched one. He also has a towel and insists on drying my hair which I admit feels really nice and soothing. How could someone like him have hurt me in the past?

After we're a bit dryer he gets out the notebook. "Alright Jungkook, I know you have a big brain in there and that you know lots of words, but I'm gonna help you learn how to say them." He smiled a boxy smile and I nod my head in confusion. He starts writing and after a few moments sets it in my lap.

'A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z' (A/N: f*ck it they speak english lmao I know Korean too but I'm not at a teaching level yet)

I look at him and raise an eyebrow as if asking now what? I already know the alphabet. He smirks like he expected my reaction and points at 'A'. "This is A. Say it." I look at him in confusion. I didn't understand all of that. "Ay." He sounds it out. "Ay." I repeat and he smiles. "Bee." He sounds the next out. "Bee." I repeat. This goes on until we reach the end of the alphabet. He take the notebook and writes again.


He points at the first letter. "It makes a tuh sound." I repeat the sound he made. "These next two make ay sound." I repeat that and he goes back to the beginning. "Tae." He says. "Tae." I say which leaves a huge grin on his face. "Now the h makes a noise like when you breathe out." He demonstrates the next part. "And then the yung." He goes to the beginning and looks at me.

"T-Tae..hyung." His face lights up as I say his name for the first time and I swear I see tears in his eyes. I take the notebook since it was getting hard to focus and started writing.

'Why did you say those things about me on that note, Taehyung?'


A/N: it's so rainy today omg. It's a good day to relax and write though :)

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