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{ Jungkook's POV }

Mornings were never my favorite. It was cold and quiet and Taehyung was always gone already. You could tell by the not quite empty glass of apple juice on the counter next to the sink for Yoongi or I to clean. At first he left notes, but when it became a routine he quit leaving them. We knew he'd be working.

I stumble into the kitchen with half lidded eyes and go to the cupboard to take out a bowl for cereal. I set it down next to the sink- wait; the glass isn't here. What? Did he not leave today? Or was he never home? I leave my bowl, not caring about food anymore, and trail out to living room.

The TV was on at a low volume, the lamp was on next to the couch, and there were a pair of shoes still sitting by the front door. I widen my eyes and look towards the couch at what I thought was a pile of blankets.

I move deeper in the living room and study the pile of blankets. There's a few tufts of caramel hair sticking out at the top. He's here? I kneel down in front of where his face is mostly covered in blanket. It's him. I mute the television and I can barely hear the soft snores, but as I stand to go away the Taehyung cocoon moves a bit.

"Kookie.." I turn and look to see a puffy faced Taehyung sticking out of the layers of blankets. "Oh Kookie it is you." He smiles at me with his eyes still drooping. I don't know why, but my heartbeat picks up a bit at the sight of him. It's just been such a long time.

As I stare and marvel at him I barely have time to react to him pulling me down into the heap of blankets with him. He giggles and I realize my cheeks are hot. Am I okay? Is he okay?

"T-Taehyung, w-why are you here?" I stutter out, making myself feel so dumb.
"I live here silly." He laughs and ruffles my hair. Okay there's something seriously wrong here.
"Yeah, but you're never home." I say and look at him. He frowns. The way his face drops makes me feel so sick. I never want to see him frown. I want to be the reason why he smiles again.

"Aren't you happy to see me, Jungkook?" He asks sadly.
"Well, yes, of course! I-I've really m-missed you hyung." Why are my words so fumbled when they come out. It's not like he really cares that much about me anyway. He's ignored me for days.

I want to hear how he's doing and be able to hug him and cuddle him and be the the reason he wants to be here all the time. I just want him. I want him to want me too, but I don't think that'll happen again. His actions are a puzzle that I have yet to put together, but knowing my luck it probably won't be the outcome I want. The outcome I've dreamed of.

I've been talking to Yoongi about Taehyung lately and he says he's a confused ball of emotions. He tends to internalize how he's feeling and in turn isolate himself. After what happened between Jimin and I, Taehyung changed a lot for the worse, and i hated myself for it. I was the cause of his pain and isolation and the reason whatever relationship we had fell apart. It makes me so angry at myself and in turn I internalize that anger too and beat myself up for it. Literally. Physically.

I don't even know the tears are falling until they hit the blanket below me. I don't even notice the sleeved hand trailing up to my cheek, carefully wiping the tears away. I turn to look at the source and it's of course Taehyung. He looks worried, but he isn't saying anything. He knows. He knows he shouldn't be treating somebody so horrible with such kindness.

The fourth time I'm taken off guard is when two arms wrap around my neck, and there's a hand playing with pieces of my hair while the other one squeezes me tightly. I don't even have the pride to ask him why. I just know whatever it is I don't want it to stop. He's so warm and smells like vanilla. I let out a sigh and let my face fall to his chest in exhaustion. I'm starting to think he's doing this because he pities me, but the next thing he says makes up the fifth thing that's thrown me off guard this morning;

"I'm back, Jungkookie, and I'm not leaving again."

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