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(Author POV)

The six boys headed to the family waiting room to await news of their friend in surgery. Taehyung especially was counting down the minutes until he'd be able to see his Jungkook again. He was the only one that couldn't find anything to occupy himself.

Namjoon was reading a book, Jimin was sleeping, Yoongi was on his laptop, Hoseok was listening to music, and Seokjin went off to find food. It was only Taehyung that seemed to be pacing back and forth or sitting down only to find himself staring at the walls. Every second felt like torture not knowing what was going on and it caused him some really bad anxiety. He picked at his fingers and bit his lips until they bled. He didn't think this was going to take such a toll on him, but it really was.

Hoseok eventually got tired of the younger's pacing and decided it was time to do something about it.


{Taehyung's POV}

"Hey Taetae." I shot my head up towards the noise, suddenly getting dragged from my thoughts. Hoseok was smiling lightly at me, but I could see the pity and sympathy in his eyes. I smiled back anyway despite the pit in my stomach and aching chest.

"Come sit down." He said and patted the seat next to him. I stood up and dragged my heavy limbs over to sit next to him. He smiled at me doing so. "How are you?" He asked and I felt my head spin trying to find the right words to answer that question. He sensed my struggling and just kept talking.

"I know this is really hard for you, but he'll be okay. He's been through a lot and he's very strong. I have faith in him and I have faith in the doctor. We'll be able to see him in no time." For some reason Hoseok's words calmed me down a lot. They made me have some hope in the surgery and hope in my Jungkook.

"Why don't we go downstairs and get him something from the gift shop?" Hoseok asked. My heart beat a little faster at the idea of being so far away from Jungkook. "We won't be gone long." Hoseok stated knowing I was nervous. I slowly nodded my head and he smiled a big grin and helped me up from the chair.

"We're going to the gift shop. Does anyone want to come?" Namjoon and Yoongi shook their heads, but Jimin shot straight up and jogged over to us. Great. We left the waiting room and took the elevator down to the first floor.

The hospital was alive and busy with people. I didn't realize how popular of a hospital this was, but I saw a sign that said they're #1 in the United States. The lobby had marble floors and many places to go. There was a gift shop, a waiting room, cafeteria, and a few pharmacies. We headed to the gift shop.

It was so pretty. It was full of stuffed animals, flowers, candy, balloons, and different jewelry and things like that. "Alright, so what should we get?" Jimin asked.
"Well, I could pick out the flowers." Hoseok smiled. I nodded my head and he went to work. "I'll pick out a stuffed animal." Jimin said with a smile which left me to pick out balloons.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" The lady at the counter asked. She was a bit older and had a smile on her face and glasses that hung low on her nose. "Well, i need uh some balloons?" I pointed at the balloons that hung towards the ceiling. She smiled and nodded. "Which ones?" I never knew answering that question would be so hard. I honestly didn't know. There were so many different types and different colors or themed bouquets. She shot me a knowing smile and reached under the counter for some balloons.

"What's their favorite color?" She asked. I smiled thinking of Jungkook's room at his apartment with his favorite color painted everywhere. "Blue." I said with a smile. Within a few minutes she had a few balloons that said get well soon and some regular blue balloons in a bouquet. Hoseok came over with a pretty vase with tulips and roses. It was perfect. Jimin came over with a teddy bear that was almost the same size as him and I laughed for the first time since Jungkook went in for surgery.

Hoseok insisted on paying and we headed back into the lobby. "He's gonna love this stuff." Jimin said with his eye smile. I nodded my head and smiled at him. I finally felt a bit happy even with everything going on.

"How long has it been since he went in?" I asked. Hoseok took out his phone. "It's been about three hours so it should be over soon." I smiled at the thought of seeing Jungkook again. I missed him so much even though we were in the same building.

The elevator doors opened and we headed back to the waiting room. Everyone was sitting how we left them only Jin was back with a bowl of soup and a sandwich. He looked so happy eating. They looked up and rolled their eyes at the giant teddy bear.

"Any updates?" I asked as I sat down next to Yoongi. He shook his head and I was about to say something when a beeping over the intercom started. We all looked up from what was going on and looked out the hallway.

"Attention: code blue in OR 5. Trauma team please respond. Code blue OR 5. Trauma team please respond." We heard shouting from down the hallway and many nurses racing down in the direction of the yelling. I felt a tap on my shoulder to see a pale Hoseok with his lip trembling. "That's Jungkook's operation room." He said shakily. No.

"What's a code blue?" Jimin asked. I wasn't too sure either. "It means.." Namjoon started with a sigh,

"The person is in a life or death situation."

No. Not Jungkook. Not my Kookie. It's impossible.

"You guys can head that way." A receptionist said from the desk. No. Why would we need to or want to do that? That's not Jungkook. That's not happening.

An arm linked with mine and my body involuntarily followed everyone quickly down the hallway, Yoongi leading the way. This can't be happening. It's not happening. We stop at the sound of doors opening and a few feet away there he is.

They're rolling him past us and into a set of double doors marked "ICU". This still isn't happening. The only thing that brings me back to my senses is the blood on the pillow and the tufts of brown hair laying in it. It really is him.

The last thing I hear is the long beep of a heart rate monitor before everything goes black.


A/N: whoops I'm an awful person

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