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{Jungkook's POV}

"Well Mr. Jeon I'm not sure if there's anything we can do for your hearing right now other than hearing aids." I stared at the doctor in disbelief. I can't believe the surgery is coming apart.

"Will those fix it?" Taehyung asked him. I looked at him and his face was so sad and his eyes were really heavy. I wanted to hug him, but I know I hadn't earned that right back yet. The doctor just solemnly shook his head. I swear I saw a tear at the corner of Taehyung's eye.

"How long do I have left with my hearing?" I asked already feeling the bottled up emotions ready to explode. "Maybe a few weeks." He said with his head down. I looked down at my hands and let the tears silently fall. "That's all?!" I heard a voice shout next to me. I lifted my head up to find a sobbing Taehyung. The doctor got up and left the room to put an order in for my hearing aids.

"I'm sorry Taehyung." I whispered so I thought he wouldn't hear me. I stared at my lap and watched the tears fall to my hand. I heard a bit of movement next to me and suddenly there were arms around my shoulders. I look up and he buries his face in my neck and keeps crying. I'm not even sure what to do honestly.

I reach around and rest my arm gently on his back making him stiffen at the barely noticeable contact. He sits up and lets go of me and I can't help but crave to have the warmth of his arms back. He mumbles an apology and turns away from me. His cheeks were glowing pink and his hands were shaking as he tried to fold them in his lap.

We left the appointment and headed back to Yoongi's where I saw boxes of my stuff setting outside of the house. A note reads "Hope you enjoy your new boyfriend. - JM" I frown, but somebody grabs the note from my hand and rumples it up. I stare up at Taehyung who has a sad smile on his face. "Just forget about him, okay?" He asked in a tone that was more of a demand. I nodded and frowned at my feet.

I never wanted to stop hearing his voice.


An update during my mini hiatus? Why not

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