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I wake up to the smell of something really sweet. Pancakes. Yoongi doesn't cook? I stand up from the couch and head out to the kitchen where Yoongi is eating a plate of pancakes. There's no other cooking supplies out though. Take out.

"Hyung did you seriously get takeout just for pancakes?" He nodded and a smirk drew across his lips. I can't help but laugh at him. He's so lazy. He frowned a bit, obviously sad I'm laughing at something he's so proud of.

"How are you feeling today hyung?" He shrugs his shoulders and looks down at his plate. I sit down across from him and see the teardrops hit his almost empty plate and he excuses himself. I really need to quit asking him that I guess.

He walks back out with puffy eyes and a weak smile. "Hyung." I say sadly as he throws the pancakes from his plate away. He doesn't say anything, but I can see his shoulders trembling as he stands at the sink turned from me.

I slowly stand up and walk to his side. The tears are streaking his cheeks once again. "I'm sorry." I whisper and wrap him in a hug. He turns to me and I rest my head on top of his while he sobs into my chest. I feel tears brimming my eyes. Heartbreak is the absolute worst pain in life I swear.

"Why did he have to go?" Yoongi chokes out between sobs. We've moved from the kitchen to the couch. "I don't know, hyung." I say honestly. I don't know why the ones closest to us hurt us the most. I rub his back soothingly until his sobs die down a bit.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap." He says with no emotions and I frown, but let him go. He needs the rest really badly. I sit on the couch and get on my phone to see an unread message.

jungkookiebunny: I love you Taehyung.

I'm not gonna be able to do this if he keeps sending me this shit. I stare at the screen as the tears pool over and hit my cheeks. My finger shakes as it hovers over the block button. I have to do it. This hurts too much to not do it. I tap it and see the notification appear that he will get when he goes to message me again. With the sound of my phone locking I finally cry.

I let the sobs ring through the house as I curl up in a ball on the couch. I don't like this feeling. No. I hate this feeling and I hate Jungkook for doing this to me. I feel my vision fading as tiredness overcomes me. I barely stay awake enough to feel the arms wrap around me.


I wake up and look around. I'm in a bed. I haven't seen this room before. There's artwork on the walls and a desk in the corner of the room. I see Yoongi hunched over the desk dressed in a white coat and black skinny jeans. "Hyung." I call to him. He turns around with a smirk. He looks stunning...and has makeup on?

"Ahh, you're awake good. It's almost 8:00." Damn I slept for a long time. "You need to go shower and here," he tosses a paper at me, "memorize and practice this. We have a rap battle to attend tonight." He winked at me and left the room.

Cypher 3: KILLER

This should be interesting.


Boring chapter I'm sorry ;((

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