Ren Kouen & Sinbad

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•Young• Ren Kouen X •Merchant• Male X •Young• Sinbad

-Magi: Labyrinth of Magi-

Conflicts of the Hearts


1rst pov

I used to live a peaceful and quite normal life aside from the threats and dangers of the sea. That all changed once I was visited by the eldest prince of the Kou's Empire. Apparently, he had heard that I recently acquired couple old scrolls. When he visited, he looked like a shiny diamond amongst a sea of dusty coal.

His posture, the way he spoke, and even the air around him. He was pure and sweet and so soft spoken that he slowly made my heart swoon. And he knew it too, from the look in his eyes I could tell that when his hand brushed over mine or when he leaned over my shoulder it was all on purpose. I wasn't sure of it, but I thought that he might be in love with me.

"Did you know that there is a certain snake whose fangs are smaller than tacks and deliver an aphrodisiac directly to one's bloodstream." The young prince spoke by my side, examining a scroll on magoi.

"...Where did that come from? I didn't realize you ever picked up a scroll like that." I replied as I continued to stack the new fruits and check the order of the stock. Lately the prince had been by more often throughout the day. As if he was hardly ever home.

Kouen smiled towards me, following by my side and continuing as he leaned his chin over my shoulder. "My brother gave me book on all different types of venom. That was the most unique one." His voice blew by my ear in a low whisper and it made me shiver.

I turned to him with a low blush, taking a step back and clearing my throat. "Well at least it won't be deadly..." I trailed off, seeing the winning look in his scarlet eyes. My face flushed more in embarrassment and I was forced to retreat.

"Apples! I-I need them for the cider." My voice came out in a sharp squeal, matching my expression. I turned away from the charming prince to grab my back and leave the store. "I'll come back soon!" Were our last parting words as I fled and ran down the market to the pier. Where all the fresh produce was being imported.

The men worked noticed me right away since, of course, I was a frequent sight among the merchants in the Kou region.

I gathered my share and stacked them neatly in my bag, signing the papers afterwards. Something interesting did catch my eye, more than any other shiny weapons there. It was an authentic Immuchuk spear.

Excitement raced through me and all I could think about was how much Kouen would love this. I walked over to the item and saw even more Immuchuk items. I knew I shouldn't touch but it was so tempting, and I didn't see the merchant owning it anywhere around, so I took the pleasure of brushing my fingers over the carved bone.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He appeared from nowhere, hovering over my shoulder and picking up the heavy weapon with ease. "Sooo, are you interested in buying?"

I stayed where I was, already used to the position. "Oh yes, it's authentic. I know someone who would love to have this." I said to the man while smiling, looking back and seeing him standing there. A hand on his hip and his other hand holding the spear by his side.

He was the exact definition of 'Tall, tan, and handsome.' His eyes screamed danger and his rugged look told thousands of adventurers. He seemed like the exact opposite of Kouen. He gave off a carefree and gentle feel while Kouen radiated devious wisdom and temptation.

"I can lower the price for you little lad. And maybe I can throw in a little extra gift just for you~?" His lips pursed and his smirk was clearly evident. He took a step closer to me and used the spear to help corner me. "Then again I could give it to you for free... For a kiss that is~"

My cheeks flushed. The red reached all the way behind my ears and the base of my nape. "That's a hard bargain.... But I don't think I can meet it, you see I already--!"

Before I could finish my sentence Mr. Tall, tan, and handsome had wrapped an arm around my next and pulled me over. He planted a sweet and firm kiss on my lips. I couldn't react I'm time to move away but apparently, I didn't have to.

A pale, smooth, familiar hand pulled me back into the comfort of a warm chest I had learned to find safety in.

"Don't touch what isn't yours, Sinbad the Dungeon Capturer." Kouen's words came out like poison as he held me close, smothering my senses in a gentle aura. "I'm sure you've noticed but he's covered in my scent."

"But the lad was only making a deal. A little kiss for such a big spear." Sinbad shrugged it off and turned to the side. "But then again I wouldn't think a Kou child would know anything about fair deals." He then hissed back and glared at the red-head.

"Well I wouldn't expect a lowly cur to know anything about fair game!" The prince growled back, tightening his grip and beginning to squeeze me without knowing.

Sinbad almost immediately noticed and reached out with a concerned look. He grabbed my arm and pulled me from Kouen's chest and placed me exactly between the two. Both of the boys had a hand gripped firmly on one of my wrists, eager to pull me over to their side.


"Ren Kouen..."

"ME!! Both of you, enough!"

-To Be Continued-


Thank you for voting on the next chapter and being loyal! This one was delayed cause for a while I was working on three all at once cause the votes were tied but this one pulled through.
EXTRA:: I'm working on cosplays so that will take up the majority of my time and after that I'm making a toothless jacket for my friend for her birthday. And I have my own birthday to plan next week so the next update will take a while. ≧﹏≦


1. Sinbad route

2. Ren Kouen route

3. Both. Shit

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