Mikaela Hyakuya

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Mikaela Hyakuya X •Vampire• Male

-Owari no Seraph-

Blood Driven Love


*Smut Warning, but I mean... That's what you guys wanted so... Continue*

1rst pov

His steel heeled boots clicked lightly against the floor. I could hear them the second he started walking up the stairs on his way to my room. He couldn't be going anywhere else. He only ever stopped in front of my door...

As I thought, the soft rhythm of his footsteps came to a halt in front of my door. He doesn't knock or announce himself as he steps inside and closes the door behind himself. When he looks at me, I could see my disheveled and hungry appearance reflecting in his eyes.

He let out a deep sigh, staring at me in cold disappointment. "I heard you refused your meals again."

I nod slowly, trembling just from his unblinking stare.

"I told you, you can't skip out on blood rations! You'll die if you don't feed!" He yells angrily at me. It was scary when he got angry but... He was even scarier when fighting though...

"I'm sorry... Its just that you said it was bad... so I didn't want to..." I mutter quietly as I tuck my head into my knees. I was certainly feeling guilty for making him angry.

Mikaela sighs again, I could hear him step closer to me. His hand brushes lightly against the top of my head. Ruffling my hair gently to ease me. It was comforting, to be touched by him. The cool feeling of his fingers against my scalp set me at ease.

"Oh (Y/n), I wasn't saying that to you. You really shouldn't eavesdrop." He says, drawing me to lift my head up and look at him again. "Do I have to help you again?"

I saw his blue eyes turn a soft red and I felt mine start to do the same, having grown addicted to what follows.

He hums when he saw them. "Kinky~ You always look so good in red."

My cheeks dust a barely visible red. Rolling my tongue over my lips, I took the initiative tonight.

I lean up and softly plant my lips against his. In return he wraps an arm around my waist and lifts me up, all while returning the kiss. I stood up from the chair I was hunkering in and follow his steps to the bed. As if drunk off lust we taper around before crawling onto the bed. Never once letting our mouths part.

My fingers fumble with the buttons on his shirt as I started undressing us both. Taking off his jacket and shirt first before I took off my shirt. Then his belt and pants as well as mine. Everything was kicked off the bed.

Now it was just his bare chest rubbing against mine while my back was pressed into the sheets. Our tongues dance between our lips and heat rose from the bare minimum in our bodies.

He finally separates our kiss, leaving a trickle of saliva as he sat up and slowly pulled away my boxers. My cheeks flush a bit redder, but I still had my eyes on him, watching him slid off his own undergarments next and toss them away.

"Have you been attending to yourself?" His voice hums deeply, fitting the mood to a T.

I shyly nod my head and comply as he pulls me up to straddle him. My hips move lightly against his. In return his fingernails dig into my thighs and he lets out a low groan.

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