Mephisto Pheles

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Mephisto Pheles X •Abandoned• Male

-Ao no Exorcist-

Puppy Love


"Useless swine! You weren't worth your cost."

"-Lie there and be eaten for all I care!"

Thunder roared across the sky, loyally following the crack of lightning. The clouds it brought poured rain like sharp nails down upon me. My bruised and worn body could do nothing to get away from its terror.

I suppose I had given up, just lying on the side of the old dirt road. Surrounded by only trees and wild yokai. The only thing my worthless soul clung to was the harsh melody of wind through the leaves. Nostalgia filled my beaten mind as I stared at the clouded sky, watching the rain that fell upon me.

Time passed endlessly as the pain in my body turned to explicit numbness. My eyelids slowly falling to the deep slumber I had always dreamed off. Just as they finally closed the sharp drops of rain I previously felt were stopped. Pursued by the squelching of loose mud.

"What a pitiful mutt they've abandoned."

My eyes opened slowly to see a quaint purple umbrella above me, and a tall man dressed in an odd purple suit. He bent over me and smiled oddly.

"What's your worth little mutt..."

He muttered softly, to low to be heard above the rain and thunder. A hand brushing the wet hair from my face. He started humming, a sweet soft tune that made me even more sleepy than I was.

"I suppose we can determine that later. Amaimon, be a dear and bring him into the car."

"Heeeh? I don't wanna get wet though~"

The demon whined, yet he did so anyway. Picking up my cold body and carrying me into the car. Sudden lights blurred my vision, so I closed my eyes to lessen the shock.

My body was set down on a seat, lying with my head resting on something softer and smoother. A hand placed atop my head, covering my eyes and stroking my forehead with their thumb.

It was strange yet a bit comforting. Something I hadn't experienced before...kindness and...warmth was it? I don't remember feeling such a soft touch before. Without knowing when, I fell asleep thinking of his touch.


"Little mutt, wake up now." The now familiarly sounding voice called to me. Lulling me out of my sleep and to the dark interior of the limousine. The strange demon patted my shoulder tenderly until I sat up and rubbed my eyes clear of grime and sleep.

As my vision cleared, I could see the light of the city outside the car window and a towering mansion. Much bigger than the one of my owners.

"This is the Academy~, my humble abode resides up there." The man said wit a swift point of his can to the very top of the building. It seemed like a hundred stories from where I gazed.

The vehicle soon came to a stop and I was guided out by the hand of the oddly dressed male. His silk glove was smooth and cool to the touch. "Come along now mutt." He hummed his words gentle despite the slur. Taking me into the Academy building.


The elevator doors opened to a waiting room. We didn't stay there, instead I was led into a large room with tall windows at the end and a desk in front of them.

Anime Male X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now