Rin Okumura

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Rin Okumura X Male

-Ao no Exorcist-

After School Lessons 


3rd pov

Mesphisto! A German demon with an extraordinarily enthusiastic taste. His reasons? Unknown. His methods? Absurd!

Which is honestly the least to say when it came to this special "demon lessons" of his. That being said, his demon lessons are taught by him, a demon, to Rin Okumura, a demon. In most cases he pits the young halfling against his brother or extorts his weaknesses.

This time though...

"Gentleman & Demon~! Welcome to your study room for the next 3 hours!" Mephisto yelled into the microphone even when he stood in the teacher's desk in front of the students, Rin Okumura and (Y/n) (L/n).

"Today's lesson: Interspecies sex!" He said cheerfully then with a snap of his fingers the desks and chairs disappeared from the room and were replaced but a couch, a bed, and a bathtub. The blackboard was now covered in notes on how to have sex and diagrams of a male human and demons' genital regions. The room itself changed too, decked in red wallpaper and dark oak flooring.

"I've taught you about fighting and defending yourself but now it's time to teach you health wise. Demons naturally have an extensive sex drive but since I'm taken, and your brother is straight you will have to learn to adapt to a different species." Mephisto explained as he grinned, lips curled deviously.

"(Y/n) here is a demon tamer so I figured he would be the best for your first partner, considering he's only a year older than you yet smaller in height. Aren't I just so considerate~" He cooed, praising himself? "Now then; Ein Zwei Drei, Start!"

He disappeared with a visual poof and left one last present; aphrodisiac candles and a basket of condoms and lotions.

Rin had been too confused too speak out and still took a minute to process it.

The other male had clearly understood the principal. After all he had agreed to it on the terms of have the rest of his tuition paid. But he didn't know it'd be a sex class. "Um... Rin? What happens if we don't do as he said...?" (Y/n) asked in hopes of maybe not having sex with a stranger.

Rin's face quickly paled, and his neck cranked as he looked at the human male. "It's the worst... He'll tie me up and torture my tail."

(Y/n) sighed softly, understanding how much it hurt for a demon to have his tail pulled in the last bit. Unable to imagine how horrible it was for one's tail to be tortured he felt like if he had to now. He walked up to the candles and lit a match to light them. "From what I can tell a humanoid demon is similar in function to any other demon..." He said as he looked at the backboard, staring at Mephisto's diagram of a demon's crotch. He realized why the time limit was 3 hours a now. Demons had a knot like dogs.

"Ngh... What's with that smell...?" Rin mumbled softly, wobbling as he inhaled the sweetly sick aphrodisiac. His tail flickered out from his shirt and he stared at (Y/n)'s back with a hungry gaze. The demon panted softly as he watched his prey, walking up to the male slowly.

He put his chin on (Y/n)'s shoulder, nuzzling into the male's neck. Rin put his arms around the others waist, grinding lightly against his bum while his tail flickered around against his legs.

(Y/n) blushed as he felt Rin's heat and glanced at him, tapping his arms lightly. "You're holding me pretty tight..."

"Nnn~ You smell good." Rin mumbled softly into (Y/n)'s ear. Licking the male's earlobe and nibbling on the tip of it. His grip only got tighter as he rubbed his hips against (Y/n)'s bum harder.

"R-Rin~" (Y/n) let out a soft moan as he squirmed in Rin's arms. "Um... go sit on the bed." He told the male and to his surprise the demon listened. Releasing the male and sitting down at the bed with a huff. His tail tapped against the bedding profusely, unhappy with having to let go.

"Oh, good boy." The human mumbled and soon realized just how easy this might be. If he could tame Rin while like this then the whole ordeal might be easier on him.

(Y/n) walked to the table and grabbed a pack of condoms and a bottle of lotion. He then walked over to the demon and sat on his lap, straddling him. The scented candles seemed to be working on him as well as his cheeks blushed red, similar to Rin's heated look.

The demon didn't seem to want to obey though. Rin growled as he grabbed the males rear, leaning into his neck and biting his collarbone. He was marking his territory clearly.

From that on Rin seemed to have taken control of the situation. He flipped the human male over on the bed, pinning his arms above his head. His tail wagged defiantly behind his back as he took the lube from (Y/n)'s hands and tore the males pants off in one swipe.

"Ah! R-Rin calm down!" (Y/n) cried out in embarrassment while raising his knees up to cover his crotch. He was losing control of the situation, being a demon trainer had nothing to help with breeding a humanoid demon. Mesphisto set him up to lose.

Rin only growled in reply to the human males begging and held the males hips up high while pouring the cold, gel lubricant on (Y/n)'s virgin hole. It quivered in reply, puckering in anticipation of the oncoming penetration.

The demon boy purred a little at the erotic sight, using his tongue to poke at the entrance. (Y/n) moaned loudly in surprise and clenched the bed sheets as he stared at the top of Rin's head.

Rin lapped at the hole a few more times, getting him relaxed before he pushed his tongue inside....

-To be Continued-


I am so sorry for the ridiculous wait period. I honestly have excuses but I'd rather list them. I finally finished this chapter cause I started reading these other books and the authors published a chapter like every other week or three days and I realized how pathetic I am.

And sorry for not having Lotor out. He did originally win the vote but I just couldn't think of a good plot for him especially with the twist in season 6 of Voltron. Rin is just so much easier.

Thank you for reading! And please continue to read, your likes and comments support me!! ♡♡♡

The next chapter will finish the sex scene and satisfy your erotic desires I promise.

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