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Yuno X Male

-Black Clover-

Jealousy = True Love?


1rst pov

The first day in the citadel, a week before the magic knight exams. I totally wasn't nervous... Okay yes, I am. I really want to get into the Golden Dawn but that surely can't happen, because I am not a noble. The only exception is Yuno-san. He's absolutely incredible, my role model.

My useless magic is nothing to be amazed by. Permeation magic, only helpful to a pervert. Still, I had to at least try...

I gazed out of my window, dreaming of my goal. And slowly a week passed by and the day had come. My feet crossed into the colosseum and I quickly felt the intensity in the air. All sorts of magicians had come, and all looked more qualified than me.

Upon walking further into the vast space, I could see the captains, sat upon their high seats. They were all accompanied by one of their team. I could see Yuno standing behind the Golden Dawn captain, and my heart lightened. I felt more confident just seeing him up there watching.

No! Focus now, you can do this!

The first task: Broom Flying

That's easy, I grabbed one of the brooms and held it in front of me, letting it hover there while I turned around and sat down on it. I didn't want to copy what Yuno did last year and I wasn't even sure if I could do that. While I happened to be daydreaming, I didn't notice that I had already flown above the colosseum and was going in circles at quite a fast speed.

I quickly screeched to a halt and lowered myself to the ground. Fretting over how I made a skeptical of myself, I awkwardly crept behind one of the pillars. Whispers began to flutter about myself being a show-off... it made me sick to my stomach, but it was my fault I wasn't paying attention and zoned out.

Then I heard his voice.

"AWESOME!! That was so fast!!"

"Stand still and shut up you brat."

"Ouch! Yami-san!"

I peeked around from my hiding pillar and looked up to see the Captain of the Black Bulls glaring at a small boy behind him. I assumed he was the one who shouted at me.... Oh... could I be blushing...

My cheeks heated up as I smiled. Somehow, I couldn't help but feel happy that he liked my flying. Ah, this is no time to be growing a crush.

Meanwhile, I was blatantly unaware of the heavy stare I was earning from behind the seat of the Golden Dawn Captain.

The next test was the Magic Power test. We were to use our magic to break stone walls. Though, my magic isn't to be used so destructively. Nonetheless, I took my shot and watched as my magic touched and disfigured the stone wall.

Once again, I heard the Black Bulls member screaming enthusiastically. I looked around and smiled as I saw him watching me with stars in his eyes. The small boy was again hit on the head by his captain, but it didn't sully his cheerful attitude.

And again, ice-cold eyes watched me from afar. Observing my every move and expression without my knowing.

Next, we tested our Magic Power Control, our Creation Magic, and our Evolution Magic. My magic was not fluent in all of the areas, but I did my best to pass each test. And each time I did so I would hear the "fool" of the black bulls cheering me on.

Anime Male X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin