Kirishima Eijirou

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Kirishima Eijirou X •Feminine• Male

-Boku no Hero Academia-

Aanyone Can be Manly


1rst pov

Blurred vision

Accelerated heart rate

Pounding in the ears

Oxygen escaping my lungs faster than I could inhale

I stumbled out of the store and into the alley off the street, slipping to my knees. Another attack. Even though he was with me, I couldn't stop it. 

A frantic red head rushed around the alley corner, kneeling done in front of me. He grasped my cheeks in his hands, having me look him in the eye. 

"(Y/n) look at me, feel me, hear me, and calm down." Kirishima began desperately. Seeing him last as I closed my eyes. "Now breathe with me."






My ears flickered with each word, listening carefully to each heartbeat and inhale of breathe from the males body. The soft sound of blood coursing through his veins. The burly catch of his voice as it emitted from his throat. 

My body slowly adjusting and replicating the way Kirishima sounded. My quirk, recorder, allows me to record and replicate simple things. My senses are heightened as a side affect which leads me to have insecurities and panic attacks at times. 

His strong hand slowly combed through the right side of my hair, curling it through his fingers. The soft sound of his lips on my hair was crisp and gentle.

"Now look at me, (Y/n)." He whispered softly.

I slowly opened my eyes, swirling like focusing lenses as I saw him in front of me. Inches away from my face. A quick peck against my cheek before he stood up and offered a hand. Lifting me to my weak feet. After he noticed the wobbly stance I was in he rather prince charmingly hoisted me up into his arms and carried me. 

His radiant smile forever recorded in my file of his smiles. I give in to the princess like way he carried me, laying my head against his shoulder. It was a bit embarrassing to be carried by another man like this but he was too dazzling to complain against.


"Kirishima... I'm sorry we had to stop shopping because of me." I fretted, "I should have ignored them and dealt with it myself." My blabbering mouth continued on about apologies. He wouldn't be mad about something so trivial as this but I still felt guilty.

The red head grew pale in the face as he heard me speaking in such a way. I could just barely make out the way his eyes scrunched as I darted looks around the room. "Listen, its fine. (Y/n) you never have to apologize to me."

Ah, there it was. His reliable personality that made you want to just lean on him forever. Alas... if do so then I'd never be able to stand on my own or defend myself. Eventually, when he becomes a hero he won't have much time to cater to me.

My defeated look must have been noticed. I saw him shift in his seat, make a gesture as if to reach out but I never felt his touch. "I.." He stammered, a hand resting on his neck, "I should get going, don't leave your door unlocked."

With that he waved me goodbye and left. Leaving me to be alone with these insecurities...


Kirishima pov

Maybe showing up out of the blue was rude... But, he's never disliked a surprise visit. Especially when I brought him his favorite cupcakes. Hopefully I can cheer him up from what happened a few days ago. I pulled out the extra key he gave me and unlocked the door. "(Y/n) you home?"

No answer, strange, but he could be listening to music. I walked through the door, taking off my shoes before continuing into the living room. After checking the hallway and his bedroom. No one was there. Okay . . . Worry started to settle in when I could find him. What if he went out in public and had a panic attack? What if something happened to his mom? What if he got attacked by a villain?

I suddenly heard a faint grunting sound and a clanking of metal. No clue what the fuck that could be but (Y/n) could be caught in a fight or is being threatened or worse... Already injured while I was standing here. My mind raced to all the villain situations a hero would usually think of as I ran towards the sound of grunting. Coming to the back door and almost breaking it as I burst through.

My panicky rampage stumbled for a second after I saw what was really happening. (Y/n) was... working out..? I think, but he still looked like he was struggling. The bar was actually touching his chest! And so close to his neck!

I started running towards him again and lifted the bar off of him, tossing it to the side. It only seemed to be 10 on each . . . Ah, never mind that!

"(Y/n), what the hell were you thinking!? You could have hurt yourself. You should always have a spot!" My voice was raised without me noticing. "S-sorry for yelling but-" Oh god his face... he looks so scared. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry you just really worried me."

(Y/n) seemed rathered stunned as he sat up and caught his breath. His arms hanging numbly at his sides while his face throbbed and his chest when up and down speedily. His purple cheeks gradiated to red before he finally spoke. "I just... wanted to... be strong... like you..." he trailed on breathlessly.

I kneeled beside the bench and held his face in my hands. Comforting him in the way he's told me to. "You're trembling. You shouldn't push so hard. Dude, talk to me if you want to work out. I'll gladly help you."


1rst pov

"Its embarrassing!" I shouted, lifting my face from his touch and holding onto my arms. How could I act so pitiful in front of someone so strong . . .

"I-" "I think you're perfect as you are." Kirishima's silvery tone interrupted me. "But if you want to change we can do it slowly." Ah, such perfect words for such a time as now. His lips cracked opened into a handsome toothy smile. Goodness, who created such a shining light?

He raised himself to sit beside me on the bench, unfolding my arms carefully. He then rested one hand on my thigh and one against the side of my head. Slowly calming me down. "Its just..." I stammered, "you're already so strong I didn't think you want to hang around someone so weak for much longer..." His smile broke into a laugh. Charming and calming. "You're perfect for me as you are (Y/n), but I'd be glad to help you change however you want. So don't work out without me." Kirishima established, shutting down my worries and insecurities all at once.

"(Y/n)... with the face you're making I'd love to pepper you in kisses..." The boys face went from in awe to in shock as he realized that he said it outloud. He looked absolutely flabbergasted. That's going to be saved in its own file forever it seems.


"Wait! Wait wait wait! Let me rephrase that!" He sputtered out. His hands waiving frantically as he attempted to explain himself and revise his wording. My irises swirled as I prepared to recorded every bit of his emotions.

Oh boy... what a cutie...


Thanks for this chapter goes to Pyro_Popsicle. I had fun with this! Making the reader character seem petite but a full man and weak but eager to work hard for the guy he likes to stay by him. Relatable.... anyways, hope you enjoyed the fluff!

Next Chapter:

Keith Kagone

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