Keith Kogane

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Keith Kogane X •Galra• Male


Subpar Simulations


"Watch your six!" I yelled as I darted behind the halfling and directed the beam elsewhere. He cockily returned the favor by shoving me out if the way of the next shot and then lifting me back up to my feet. We prepared for another attack but . . .

Something went wrong, all of a sudden, drones were dropping like flies. Keith pressed his back against mine as we prepared for the worst maybe an attack of some kind or an explosion. Nothing happened.

Weird . . . The whole system just shut off. Even the doors would not budge. Keith proof that as he ruthlessly attacked or scraps of metal with his bayard. "Cut it out already. You're just leaving scratches." I said with a rather annoyed tone. They were stuck and it's not like they were the best of buds Keith and I.

"What else can I do then? Just sit here and wait?" The halfling responded redundantly. "Yes Mr. Paladin. We wait." I snapped back. An awkward silence settled in the room at last. Unfortunately, it only lasted a few minutes before he erupted again. "Ugh! Fight me, I can't sit around after that."

Once again, he ruined the mood. There is no way I was going to fight him. "No." I simply stated, taking a seat on the floor and setting aside my sword. It would be easier if we just waited this out. Those on the outside will have it fixed soon.

"(Y/n) that wasn't a question."

I could hardly turn my head before Keith came flying at me. My body rolled back just before I became a shish kabob. Pretty much on Instinct alone. I jumped, grabbed my sword and assumed a defensive stance. I could see the smug smile on the male's face at my actions. "See. Your body wants to fight." He chuckled as he came in close again, clashing metal with me. I couldn't help but notice the way he smiled as I looked down at him.

So at it we went. Though, given I was a pure blood and genetically stronger I was able to hold him off. Merely defended against his attacks. He didn't seem to like that, becoming more tactical and agile with each step. Then suddenly I didn't see him. I felt a foot sweep my legs out fron underneath me and my back hit the floor. Knocking a good wind out of me.

"Tsk tsk. (Y/n) don't rely on your height too much." Keith cooed victoriously, placing his boot on my chest and leaning down. He was seriously pissing me off.

I groaned in frustration. He may be a halfling but he was plenty strong enough to keep me down. Probably shouldn't have underestimated him. "Fine, you win. Can I go back to sitting patiently now?" I asked him in a bored tone. He had his fun anyways, no need to keep me here.

Keith chuckled softly, removing his rude foot from my chest and offering me a hand . . . Or so I thought? His outstretched hand went straight to my head. The fool started petting me! Scratching in the corners of my ear and at the back of my head.

Ah it felt quite good . . . honestly it did . . . But my pride as a man is fragile dammit! I slapped his hand away and moved to sit up but he pushed me down again. His hands placed firmly on my shoulders.

"C'mon~" He cooed, that handsome face now quite close to mine. "What about my prize?" This kid was seriously pushing his luck just because of the circumstances.

"You-!" I started yelling but nearly forgot where we were. The camera's and drone could come back online any second. "Not here, no public places remember?" I questioned him in a more hushed tone now. Though his selfish expression was less to be desired.

Keith puffed his lips outwards, pouting since I wouldn't let him have something. "Fine . . . I'll come to your room later though." He reluctantly backed down and stood up. Actually helping me up this time and taking into his duty to brush the dust off of my ass. A little blush arose as I glared down at him. What a child.

The closer we walked to the door the more a soft whirring sound got louder. Until the door popped open and fell at our feet. What great timing. If I had actually starting kissing Keith we would've been seen in the middle of it. Without much of a word I grabbed my sword and hurriedly left the training room. Not wanting to be caught and asked if we were okay or if anything happened.

I left Keith to get trapped by that mess. Glancing back at him with my tongue sticking out in victory and an invitation for the private time we'd have later. He wasn't the only one looking forward to it.


I don't exactly like Keith...this was hard even for fluff... That's it for the pre-decided stories. Thanks for sticking with me while I got these out.

There will only be three to four more chapters in this book so choose what you want the most!

Next Vote:

Todoroki Shouto continuation
much anticipated smut

Trafalgar Water D. Law continuation
sweet reunion and a slice of lemon

Yuno continuation
hot and heavy training

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