Aoba Segaraki

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Omega• Aoba Seragaki X •Alpha• Male

-Dramatical Murder-

Helpless Attraction


3rd pov

"Take two pills a day, morning and night. This should reduce the side effects left from your suppressant." (Y/n) said as he handed a prescription form to the young lady.

She smiled and gratefully thanked the doctor before leaving and closing the door behind her. A few minutes later the nurse stepped in and introduced the next patient.

"Doctor (Y/n) (L/n), Aoba Segaraki is here for his appointment." The lady said, introducing the male behind her.

"Ah, Mr. Segaraki. You are here for a checkup, correct?" (Y/n) asked the patient as he took the clipboard from the nurse and looked it over. He hummed softly before looking back up at the male. "Please, have a seat."

The blue haired male nervously took a seat in front of the doctor, fidgeting with his fingers. "Yes, uhm... Doctor (L/n)... I have some concerns about my uh... my heat." The male said shyly, not knowing where to look as his eyes darted around the room.

(Y/n) smiled kindly at him, rolling the chair towards him and holding up a flashlight. "Please be at ease to ask me anything related to your health. Now, follow the light with your eyes." He said as he started moving the light slowly in front of the male's face. From left to right as he stared at Aoba's eyes, observing the blood veins, iris, and pupil.

The smaller male did as the doctor said, watching the light with his eyes everywhere it moved. "Well, lately I've had to take more pills than before because my pheromones have gotten stronger." He said in a rather soft voice as if he might be overheard in the room next door.

The doctor hummed in contemplation as he thought it over, remembering what type of pills he prescribed the male. "There are many possible reasons. Perhaps you ran into an Alpha who was purposefully excreting his pheromones outside of your heat cycle. Or you could have mated and because of your partners desires your body is compensating."

Even before the (Y/n) had finished his account the Omega was breaking out in a deep red blush of embarrassment. He sputtered irrationally as he tried to explain himself.

"W-wait! I don't have a mate and w-well... it only started after I came here last time..." Aoba said with his head hung, and his fingers twiddling with each other in his lap.

(Y/n) tilted his head as he heard. "Oh, my apologies then. Perhaps one of the staff members were careless with their suppressants then." He replied apologetically, writing a note down on the male's papers.

The appointment continued as normal, Dr. (L/n) checked up on the male's ears and heartbeat. Before additionally taking his temperature and drawing blood to check the status of his heat and pheromones. All the while Aoba seemed fidgety and antsy the whole time, shivering at every touch he felt from the doctor.

"I've concluded that your pheromones have indeed spiked. I believe it is due to a run in with your fated pair." (Y/n) said as he looked at his papers and then at the male. "I'm afraid I can not help you if this involves a mate. You'll have to console a counselor."

The Omega tapped his foot nervously, his eye darted around the room again. His lips starting to form a word, but he seemed hesitant. "I um... I think that... that you um... can help me though..." The stumbled out, his cheeks growing a darker shade with each fragment. "Cause well... There's a kinda sweet scent... when around you..."

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