Crowley Eusford -2-

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Crowley Eusford X Livestock• Male

-Owari no Seraph-

A Nobles Desire 2


1rst pov

I awoke to a rattling of metal and a scrapping sound against the concrete walls. Tiredly, I sat up and stretched, feeling painfully sore in my abdomen and throat area. That was understandable, but as my eyes adjusted to the dim lit room. I could see Crowley at the foot of the bed and a few unknown others at the windows and the door.

"...Master, good evening..." I mumbled softly to him, greeting him as I usually did.

He turned to look at me with a soft smile I wasn't used to and moved the blanket to cover whatever he had been doing at the bedpost. "Good evening (Y/n)."

I groaned softly and rubbed my eyes in disbelief. It seemed unreal how his smile dazzled so early in the evening. "What's all the noise about?" I asked as I turned to looked around.

His hand on my cheek stopped me, directing my attention back to him. His eyes seemed to have darkened...Or maybe it was just the dim lighting of the room.

To my utter surprise he connected our lips, being rather gentle and slowly molding his lips to mine. He dipped his tongue passed my lips before slowly drawing back and leaving a thin trail of saliva. "(Y/n)~ You would never hate me right?" He asked in a soft coo tone of voice.

I grew puzzled for a bit; the kiss had successfully distracted me. "Of course, Master, I could never possibly hate you." My reply was accompanied by a smile. Master Crowley saved me from my dirt-poor life and gave me the simplest accommodates in the Vampires dwelling, all in exchange that I become his personal livestock. I didn't mind being his blood bag. I was honored to belong to a Progenitor.

"Good, good. That's my little lamb." Crowley said with a smirk as he raised his hand to pat my head and then rub my cheek. I still felt as though he was acting oddly kind, but I didn't want to ruin it by asking.

"After what happened I don't want to leave you alone anymore. I'd rather keep you here, waiting patiently for me to come back and drink~"

My confusion must have shown as his expression turned indifferent. My eyes finally drifted to look around the room, spotting bars being screwed onto the windows and a sort of large lock being placed on the door.

The gears clicked in my mind and I figured it out. He was locking me in here... Then does the chain like sound mean...

I pulled my knees up to my chest and sure enough I felt the weight of a shackle around my right ankle. "Master..." I whispered, "Am I being locked away...? Have I done something wrong?" my voice seemed to quiver as I asked him. I didn't want to be abandoned.

"Oh no, no little one." Crowley replied in a hushed tone to calm me I assume. "This is for your protection, you've done nothing wrong." He embraced me in his arms gently, patting my hair and kissing my forehead.

"No one is going to touch you again."


"Lunch (Y/n)~" Master Crowley called as he entered the room with a plate in his hand.

I sat patiently on the bed, reading a book I got off his shelves. "Thank you Master. You're early today."

He smiled at me and walked closer, setting the plate on the nightstand. "I got away a bit early today. Lunch today is Mahi Mahi in lemon pepper." He sat down beside me and slide his arm around my waist, pulling my slender frame into his lap.

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