Trafalgar D. Water Law

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Law X •Dying• Male

-One Piece-

Op Op no Kiss of Life


3rd pov

Trafalgar sighed out heavily, watching his warm breath turn to fog in the cold air. He didn't particularly like it, but he was currently standing in the snow on a small island called Rocinant. The familiar name brought painful memories to mind for the captain. Though, he had to withstand it in order to buy supplies for their next trip.

The pirate let out a warm sigh into his cold hands before turning around and trekking through the snow, back to the road. Three of his crew had already walked ahead of him to the town. Letting their captain reminisce in the silent snowfall.

Before he could reach the road, he spotted a clump of black, half buried in the snow. In that moment Law felt his heart thump and his whole body lunged forward desperately. "Cora-san!" He cried out, dropping his sword, nearly tripping through the deep snow. Once he made it to the huddle figure, he hastily uncovered it, scooping away snow as fast as he could.

Half way through his haste he realized the size was much too small to possibly be Corazon, but he still continued to dig it out. By the time he had removed the snow and uncovered the black cloak he could make out a ghastly pale body, frost bitten all over, with icicles beginning to grow in its hair and eyelashes.

Trafalgar did as any good willed doctor wound and picked up the body, carrying it back to his submarine and laying it down on a cot. He had his crew bring in a heater and hot water so he could start on saving this person's life. The doctor worked diligently and carefully, slowly warming the human up while he tended to the frostbite simultaneously. It was only during the operation that he realized the patient was a boy, with confused him because of his slim appearance and long hair but he stayed focused on the task at hand.

Two hours later the strange boy stirred awake, too weak to move but fear still showed evidently in his expression.

"Stay still your body is weak." The pirate said as he stood up from his seat and leaned over the male. "But you can answer questions. First, why do you have a black feather coat?" He asked, seeming rather impatient to know the answer.

"Ah! Um.... It's like... it's like our countries treasure. The man who saved our island wore it." The male stuttered out, feeling rather pressure by the fierce pirate.

"...What was this man's name?"

"The Marine Commander Donquixote Rosinante." The small one quickly answered only to be puzzled by a long stretch of silence.

Trafalgar stood in a daze from the answer he received, slowly slipping back into his chair. "Cora-san.... How much more did I not know about you..." He mumbled softly, hanging his head in his hands.

The boy on the bed seemed to have brightened up a bit upon hearing the familiar name. "You know him? How did he help you? He's practically a god to us, we had his statue erected after we heard the sad news..." He spoke familiarly with the pirate, seeming to be more open around anyone who knew of the kind marine.

"I.... I was there when he died and for three years before that... To me he was the only one in the world who understood me." Trafalgar shared his feelings openly having learned from Cora-san that speaking up was most important.

Later into the night the two grew to know each other, sharing stories about Corazon and reminiscing in the sweet past. Apparently, the young stranger, (Y/n), was three years older than Law and a shopkeeper at the town. He had gone to secure his boat at the harbor, but he was caught in a blizzard on the way back and was buried under snow for an entire day.

"So, the man who murdered Rosinante, is locked up?"

"Yeah, just a week ago Straw Hat-ya took him down. He didn't do it only for me, but for everyone on Dressrosa."

"But you helped!"

"I got my arm cut off and nearly pumped full of bullets."

The two sat in silence for a bit before both sides started to chuckle. (Y/n) smiled fondly at Trafalgar, glancing out of the port window behind him and seeing the sun come up, they had talked long enough.

Without a word the male stood up and slipped on his shoes, walking to the door next. His hand lingered on the nob before he turned around and said something before Law could ask anything. "It's morning already, I very much appreciate your help, you saved my life. But I must return to my shop." He said, smiling as he grabbed his coat and walked over to the pirate who sat with his usual poker face.

(Y/n) leaned down quickly and kiss the pirate's lips, not giving him much time to react. He slipped the coat around the other males' shoulders before stepping back from the kiss. A light blush upon his cheeks. "Keep it, as my repayment to you. And please don't forget about our small island." He then left after saying his final words.

Trafalgar sat with his hand covering his lips, rather flustered after having his first kiss stolen.

The islander disembarked the ship, staring at his feet while he trekked through the snow. His heart nearly stopped when he heard Law call out to him, spinning around so quickly he nearly fell.

And indeed, the Pirate Captain stood on the deck of his submarine. The black feathered coat hanging off his shoulders and fluttering in the wind. "I'll be back, and next time you will be held responsible for what you've started." He said with a sly smirk. He held of his hand, ushering the word and appearing before (Y/n) instantly.

He snatched the male's waist and yanked him closet to clash with his lips for a deep kiss. Sliding in his tongue as well before he let the male melt out of his arms and sit on the snow. "You have invoked the Surgeon of Death's interest." Trafalgar said as he licked his lips, disappearing again after a single word and reappearing on his ship.

"Alright boys lets set sail."


Yes, I meant to open up your wounds. (•̀ᴗ•́)و Fight me. BUT NO ONE SHALL FORGET CORAZON. 

Also, I realize.... I'm in a stump, I try to write smut like I have before but nothing is working out how I want it. Please send me some encouragement or even some ideas on scenarios to do.

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