Kamukura Izuru

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Kamukura Izuru X •Ultimate• Male


Could Fate Be Any Crueler


1rst pov

Despair was cruel. It poisoned the world in a matter of days, spreading like wildfire. I was one of the few to stay sane and hide from those who went insane. But still, it was impossible to hide forever.

I had been running for a year already, working for the Hope Foundation as a scout before HE caught me. Kamukura Izuru, everyone knew him, and everyone feared him.

He grabbed my hair, pulling me back as I tried to escape his grasp. I felt the hairs being torn from my scalp as I screamed. "Aaagghhh! Let me go you brute!" My voice screeched a sharp pitch. Digging my nails into his wrist I tried to make him let go. I could feel his blood running down my fingers, but he wouldn't give way.

"Be silent already." He spoke so calmly while roughly dragging me into the closest, in-tact building. When I refused to be quiet, he threw me against the wall. I screamed in pain, feeling the broken and jagged rubble cushion my fall.

"Ugh! Fuck you!" I yelled at the crude mannered man. He had only a glare to return me, not seeming concerned for my fowl mouth.

"(Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Survivalist. I am truly impressed you've made it this far, but it gets boring to just watch." Kamukura said in an almost excited voice. As if he had been awaiting the very moment, he could make me screamed and writhe in agony.

"I can imagine the thoughts racing through that petite head of yours, but just listen right now." Crouching in front of my huddled figure. Making sure he held my attention he continued on. "You work for the Future Hope Foundation. I need intel on them. So, I'm going to torture you until you give it to me. No, even if you give it to me easily, I'm still going to pick at your insides~"

My stomach churned as I listened to him. I never thought I would die like this, especially not at the hands of our supposed hope. Sweat poured down my forehead, hairs stood on end at my nape, goosebumps crawled across every inch of my skin, at least I didn't piss myself.

My fowl mouth had turned dry from fear and all I could do was watch my capture smile wickedly at me. Grabbing my chin and leaning his face closer to mine. Kamukura whispered, "Let's get along well, (Y/n)~"



Sorry if it's not good, but I really want to stay true to the actual characters persona. I feel like this has become more of an excuse book than a sexy time with your boi book. my bad.

I only counted the comments that where commented on the votes. It's too troublesome to go through all the comments and find out who voted for what.


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No vote. Its gonna be Saiki.

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