Yato / Yabuko

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Yabuko X Male


Cold Love in Warm Blood


*Warning: this won't be happy*

3rd pov

(Y/n) was a poor human who believed in the Gods even when his life leads such misery. His mother had fallen sick with cancer, an illness they knew nothing of then. (Y/n) prayed to the Gods for her mercy, knowing she couldn't be cured, but hoping for her to go peacefully.

After 2 months the mother's condition had surely worsened, but she felt no pain or fear. The village they lived in grew scared of her, thinking she must be cursed. They came at night, stealing the poor woman out of her home. In the morning (Y/n) woke to find his mother strung up by her wrists and stoned to death.

As (Y/n) cried and screamed on his knees the rest of the town simply walked around his huddled figure. Wearing smiles of relief as if they had just saved the village. It took the poor boy a whole two days to settle his grief and uncover his resolve.

He trailed deep through the woods to an old shelter that his mother had told him stories about. She spoke tales of a God without a temple. A God of revenge, of calamity.

(Y/n) stumbled upon the shelter with bleeding feet and torn clothes. He carried with him a bag of all his money, valuables, and food to offer to the God in return for his request. To kill everyone in the village.

The God of Calamity sat there on the ledge of a stone well. (Y/n)'s first thought was . . . beautiful. At first sight the human fell in love with the God's eyes.

"Ah. . . Yabuko, please accept my request." (Y/n) said, panting softly from the long hike. He took off his bag and set it down as he got onto his hands and knees. Begging for the god to accept.

". . . What is the request?" Yabuko asked in reply. He stood up and walked towards the male, picking up the bag. He looked through the contents, seeming most interested in the food and money.

"My mother was really sick with something and I prayed to the gods to ease her pain. But the village grew to suspect she was cursed, and they murdered her." (Y/n) said, explaining everything. "I want them punished. I want you to kill them all."

Yabuko smirked as he listened to the humans resolve. "Alright, let's go." He said as he started walking back down the trail. "Nora! We have a job, patch up his feet and let's go." At his order a small girl emerged from the shelter and silently walked towards the human. She bandaged (Y/n)'s blistered feet before they both followed after the God.

They reached the village the day after and Yabuko had the human male stay put while he attacked the village with Nora. Slaughtering every man, woman, and child. Setting fire to the small village.

Yabuko raised his sword against the last fleeing humans, cutting them down as he walked through the flames. He made his way back to the clearing he told (Y/n) to stay at but the male was no longer there. He looked surprised and without realizing it, he had started looking for him. It puzzled him why he cared for the poor boy. Maybe it was just that he felt sorry for the boy's mother or maybe he had grown to like the weak human during their hike back down the mountain. Even he couldn't say for sure.

He found the humans lone footprints in the scorched dirt, tracking burnt bandage pieces alongside them. Yabuko followed them all the way back to (Y/n)'s home. It was burning along with the rest of the village, yet the God had a sinking feeling that the foolish human had still gone inside it.

He set Nora aside as he walked into the burning house, not feeling the pain or scorch of heat. He found (Y/n) passed out on the ground, stuck under a half burning beam. The boy clenched something in his arms, a bag, leather of some sorts. Yabuko lifted the beam and tossed it aside before picking up the human and carrying him outside safely with the bag. Against Nora's opinion the God of Calamity clung to the male, already so close in such a short time. He found peaceful misery in the young human, a serenity he didn't see often.

Soon (Y/n) awoke and could only scream from the pain that greeted him. His chest was burned badly, and his legs had been broken by the beam. Yabuko seemed startled at the humans scream and stopped walking to set him on the ground.

"Where are you hurt?" He asked rather calmly. "Ah . . . Your legs are broken." Yabuko spoke as he looked at (Y/n), kneeling beside him.

(Y/n) merely cried out more. He didn't have the will to try and talk. He felt like dying but he held no regret. For what was in the bag was his mother precious belongs that he could not bear let go in flame. He could see the blue-eyed God staring down at him with concern, but he sadly could not say anything. He felt himself dying of his injuries, slowly bleeding out but he felt a sense of peace as he watched Yabuko's bright eyes.

Yabuko kept his neutral expression even as more blood seeped from the male's wounds. "It is a shame for you to die like this . . . Shh, it will be alright. The gods hear your suffering." He spoke softly to the human as he tore shreds of his own yukata to wrap the wounds. He watched the humans face, seeing his breathing slow, hearing his voice choke on blood, watching his face grow pale, and seeing the life leak from his eyes.

He was so used to death, yet he was breaking at the sight of some poor human dying pitifully in front of him. "I will stay here . . . You will not be alone . . ." He mumbled now, cupping the humans head in his lap. Yabuko knew the death was inevitable and wished to at least ease the humans mind. He gently touched the pale boys' cheeks, feeling his warm blood against his fingertips.

(Y/n) stopped his screaming and crying, now looking back up at the God. He listened to the male's soft voice and gradually felt the pain fade away. Only silent tears accompanied his eyes while he watched the male.

"You are a good soul. I will let you pass on and be reincarnated." Yabuko continued to ease the boy into death, watching as the last shred of life began to fade from the human's eyes.

Just before it left and (Y/n) took his last breath he spoke. Hand outstretched, and fingertips brushing against Yabuko's cheek. "Such beautiful eyes . . . I wish I could see them again . . . Thank you, Kami-sama." Then with his last inhale his arm fell against the ground and he passed away with a calm smile.

Yabuko watched as the human's soul rose from his body, floating there and just waiting. He closes the human's eyes before he stood up, grabbing the bag the human died to save and then held the soul ever so gently. He set the soul inside the bag and the wore it.

The god picked up the dead body and carried it to the grave of its mother. He buried the body beside the grave and left flowers before finally leaving the burning village.

Yabuko waited until he was back at the shelter to take the soul out of the bag, letting its pure white form float in front of him. Then instead of passing it on to reincarnation he gave it a new name. Following (Y/n) 's dying request. 


Yes it's long but that's why I love it. I'm sorry if some of you don't like it but I mean. How can you not have angst with Yabuko.

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