Chapter 5 *EDITED*

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Two women in uniform, in their late twenties maybe, barged into my cell. I was laying in the same position for the past twenty minutes, I guess. I could barely move my hands, and I could feel a thick liquid in between my thighs. My stomach was turning from the acrid bile lingering in the air from my vomit.

"Miss," A small voice came from one of the women who were now just standing right beside the bed.

"Miss," It came again as I showed no sign of acknowledging their presence.

One whispered in the others ear before squatting down and scooping me into her arms. I didn't mind her touch much, but I definitely felt my skin crawl when we made skin contact. She made her way out of the cell. At this point I was wincing from the pain that struck every time she took a step. My head leaned on her chest and I wished I could stay there forever. It was warm and comforting. Bright light shone all around, meaning that we were out of the cell, wherever it was, and on the first floor.
Guards stared at my bruised, partly naked body as the two women passed by them with me.

The second lady sped up a bit to get the elevator first so that she could have it come down before we got there. Its doors opened and we made our way on it.
It stopped at the seventh floor and I realized that it was the floor where the so called boss's bedroom was. Panic hit me hard, thinking that they were taking me to his room, but relaxed when they opened another door, which was just next to his bedroom.

Orange rays of early morning sunshine lit the bedroom through the window, giving all the items in the room a vivid vibrancy. For one moment I thought I saw beads of blood sliding down the wall. I thought, as I closed my eyes, that death was here and his gruesome grinning face was looking down at me yet nothing had ever seemed so inviting. I waited for the grim reaper to come and collect my soul, I was willing and would gladly pass it on.

The other women who hadn't been carrying me opened a door between the bed and the large glassdoor leading to the balcony. It led to a bathroom identical to the one in the boss's room. She quickly filled the bathtub with hot water then came to undress me, while I was still in the hands of the other. Slowly I was eased into the water. Holding a sob back as my wounds throbbed. Slowly the water turned a scarlet red. After about five minutes, they drained the tub and filled it again with fresh warm water.

"Bring the oils," the one who had carried me said to the other. Her entire uniform was drenched.

She was actually beautiful; with pale skin, brown curls, grey eyes and sharp but petite nose. I wished I could be her, I had never felt so jealous in my life. She didn't seem broken, she didn't seem violated, and her skin did not crawl, not like mine did. She did not beg for death. My eyes travelled to the white ceiling as tears rolled to my ears.

I know I'm a shit person, and I don't pray much. But make it stop, please.

Tears flooded down with my whole body violently shaking.

I flinched every time they touched me, each time taking me back to the cells where I had been ripped apart as if I had been lesser than a human.

After a long painful bath, the brunette scooped me up again, soaking her uniform even more as the blonde wrapped a towel around my body and dried me, before placing me in between the soft, silky sheets of the bed.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling, not sure of what I was thinking. Tears ran down my cheeks from the pain. It seemed like my tears weren't drying up anytime soon. And I was so tired.

I was slowly drifting off to sleep, when someone softly shook me, opening my eyes I saw the brunette sitting beside me.

"Sorry miss, but you have to eat," she said raising a bowl to my chapped lips.

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