Chapter 43 *EDITED*

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My head was starting to spin, I was losing a lot of blood and the pain was just too much for me.

Rafael's phone kept ringing and on he didn't pick it up until it buzzed for the fifth time.

"Tom, not now!" Rafael shouted into the phone, "Harley's bleeding. Meet me at the local clinic in the village," He said anxiously and slammed the phone down.

"Rafael..." I said under my breath.

He looked at me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't think I..." I groaned from the pain and held my stomach protectively, "I don't think I can make it," I said with much difficulty.

"Stay strong for the baby Harley. I know you can do it, just please stay strong," He said as he moved my hair from my face and placed his hand on mine.
I grabbed his hand tightly to stop my body from shaking from all the pain. It was like someone had cut through my womb. I couldn't even breathe properly.

"Drive faster!" Rafael shouted at the driver as we drove through a bumpy muddy road.

I was sobbing into Rafael's shoulder out of fear of losing the baby, "If my baby dies, I will never forgive you," I said to Rafael through my clenched teeth. My heart was breaking. I knew I was losing my baby.
A single tear fell from Rafael's eyes as he looked at me with sorrow.

The car finally came to a halt after two long atrocious hours. The driver quickly jumped out of the car and came to help us.

Rafael slid out of the car with me in his arms. A pool of blood just splashed to the dusty floor from his lap.
Each step he took was agony to me but I didn't mind. All I needed was to get into the hospital and save my baby, if there was even still hope.

We walked in and the hospital went quiet, not because a bleeding pregnant woman who just walked in, but because who had just entered the clinic.
"Somebody help us!" Rafael shouted, still carrying me in his arms, causing everyone to snap out of it and the nurses came running to my aid. They brought an old wheelchair, Rafael carefully sat me down in the chair and he pushed me through the halls, the nurse leading the way.

"How far along is she?" A nurse asked Rafael but he didn't answer he was blubbering something I couldn't catch.

"Eight months and a week." I said finally.

We walked in the operating room where the nurses were moving all around placing equipment. They pulled me up and placed me on the bed.

"Someone tell me what is happening!" A male voice said from the door.

"She's eight and a week pregnant doctor," a nurse said.

As the doctor hooked the scan, the nurses practically tore my clothes apart and poured some cold jelly on my stomach. The doctor then pressed something on my abdomen, moving it around.

"What kind of pain are you having?" He asked anxiously.

"It's a sharp pain right at my lower abdomen," I said through my quivering lips.

"We need to take this baby out now," he finally said as the nurses pulled my legs up so I could be in the birth position.

Rafael burst through the door wearing a hospital material to cover his whole body.

"Miss, this baby has to come out now so I need you to push as hard as you can. I know you're in pain but I need you to push as hard as you can," The doctor said.

"Nurses get ready," he continued. He walked to my wide opened legs before he said "Now!"

I started pushing. I pushed as hard as I can, but the pain only intensified and nothing happened.

"Nurse, get me the disinfectant!" He shouted, then told me to stop pushing.

Quickly he poured some brown liquid on my stomach.

"I have to do a caesarean section. Do you consent?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes, whatever you need to do," I answered quickly, feeling scared and lost.

"I could use Novocaine to numb this area, but it will take five to ten minutes to kick in and we don't have that much time. I won't administer it. Do you consent?" The doctor continued.

I felt like I was losing my mind. They were going to cut me open without any sort of pain relief medicine.
"Yes," I said then braced myself.

"If it comes to it, who should I save, you or the baby?" He asked.

"The baby," I said. I turned my head and saw Rafael just burst into to tears and I joined him.

"Rafael I want you promise me you'll take care of this baby. Promise me." I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

Rafael couldn't talk, all he could do was nod.
The scalpel touched my skin and I felt it pierce through, and for a second I couldn't feel anything but then the pain just shot through and I screamed so loud I thought the roof would blow off.

The nurses ran to my side and held me down now, I wanted it to stop, I wanted everything to stop. I kept screaming and screaming.

Rafael was literally crying now while I was screaming and the doctor kept telling the nurses to hold me down.

The pain I felt was nothing I could describe. Finally, it seemed to subside a little but my eyes were getting droopy. I stopped fighting the feeling of staying awake. I didn't have the energy.

Everything seemed far away, "Doctor we're losing her!" I barely heard a nurse say.

I wanted to sleep. I felt so tired and I just wanted to lay in bed but something inside of me kept telling me to not close my eyes. It seemed like I was losing this battle, almost as if I was floating away.

Touch baby, a thought came. I wanted to touch my baby but I couldn't fight off this mist that was consuming me.

"Harley, stay with me," I heard a voice say. I knew that voice. It was Rafael, but he seemed to be far away.

"The baby isn't crying, why the baby isn't crying!" I heard the voice again, Rafael seemed panicked and that was the last thing I heard before the darkness consumed me.

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