Chapter 16 *EDITED*

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I was warm and safe.

My body was wrapped by strong warm arms with my back against his large chest. After making love we slept in each other's arms. I didn't know what I felt or what I was supposed to feel. The night had been so peaceful, he had taken me so gentle into his arms and rocked my world. I was lost, trapped on a crossroad with no clue of which road to take.
"Wake up!" my eyes fluttered open with his words.
His tone was no longer sweet. They say there is a calm before a storm and this was the storm hitting hard with no mercy.

Turning around, I faced an emotionless dark face, illuminated by the moonlight. The room was dark and I lay staring at him in confusion.

"I forgave you but still need to teach you a lesson never to cross me. " his voice was harsh and I found myself crawling from his embrace, lip quivering as my mind fought so hard to find reason.

"R. afa..el... "My voice breaking as my heart shuttered.

He was still going to punish me?

"Get up, don't waste my time." his voice loud and clear.

I rushed out, grabbing my silky gown and wrapping it around my thin body. After putting on his clothes, he walked out of the room as I followed him. We took the elevator to the first floor before walking to the cells.  All the lights were on there and it seemed like almost all the house staff was there, especially the guards.

They were all quite but I could hear cries from someone, a female, probably a young girl. They made way as we passed until I stood in front of a cell where lay a girl inside in a white, strapless free dress. Her face was red with mascara running down her cheeks along with her tears probably eighteen or so, my age.

My own tears boiled as I watched her bawl.

"This is Lena, she was taken from Portugal where she was in a bar, celebrating her eighteenth birthday."

My heart sank as his words sank in. I wanted to go and rescue her from these monsters.

"She was supposed to go straight to the pornography category but I brought her here to show you what will happen to you and others who cross me."

I was violently shaking now, tears burning my eyes.

"Boys, go play." Rafael said to his men.

The cell door was opened as two guards got in, ripping her clothes off before raping the screaming girl, double penetrating her.

When a pair was done, another pair got in and by the time the third pair was done. The girl's body was limp with blood dripping down her legs but they didn't stop, they went on and on and on. I had screamed so much that my throat hurt, I had begged and begged for him to tell them to stop but he just grabbed me by my jaw and made me watch.  All females in the room were crying now as my own body went limp and cold. All the colour drained from me as I watched the innocent girl suffer because of me.

How could I even consider falling for this monster? I hated him!

I hated him so much, I couldn't live here. I had to go, I had to get away.

They were all cruel.

I felt my legs give out as I floated down to the ground before strong hands caught me.

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