Chapter 8 *EDITED*

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Rafael was never around, he was always in a different country every day giving me time to adjust, accept and work up a plan of how I could be such a good girl.

Ruby and I had become best of friends. Sometimes she would even sleep in my room.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her, giggling like a five year old.

"No, I am always here so... " She said sadly.

"Don't you like any of the guys? "I asked honestly as I painted her index finger.

We were having one of our sections where we would watch porn and she would help me practice some of the styles and just be my support system even though she had pointed out so many times how much of a bad idea this was but it was my only hope so I clung to it like a baby clung to his mother.

"They are always serious and scary, they give me creeps" she said giggling.

"So how is Mr Vintangé?"

I looked at her, not sure what to say. Rafael was never here and we had our last encounter that evening. Somehow in the mist of all this I had created this fantasy in my mind that I would be submissive and he would fall in love with me then we would be this perfect couple that everyone envies. Could anyone really blame me though? I was making the best out of a terrible situation.

"Harley," Ruby gave me a worried look.

"I don't know Ruby. I just want to give him my all and I know he will turn around, I know he will."

I placed the nail polish at the bed before scooping some ice cream. I shook my head thinking of how these times had me eating ice cream not caring about calories. Ruby did the same, not saying a word, I guess she didn't know what to say.

After watching another video, where I mostly watched the way the girl gave the guy a blow job which I had practiced on a banana which I had washed fifty times before using, we finally called it quits taking all the papers and leftovers, we put them in the bin before switching off the lights and slipping in to bed.

I woke up to a large rough hand covering my mouth roughly, cutting my air supply. My body jerked in fear, panic washing over me. I wiggled hard but failed as a strong arm came around my waist, lifting my whole being up.

Ruby sat on the bed, eyes so wide I thought they'd pop. I screamed loud, shaking in this strong grip but it got me nowhere. My heart drummed and every cell in my body was paralyzed by fear. The big man walked out of the room. My guards still standing there as if nothing was happening. The door next to my room opened and I was thrown to yet another bed.

Moving his hands off me, the scary man left closing the door behind him. Swiftly I wiped my mouth with the back of my agile hand.

Anger filled me.

"Fucker!" I said throwing the pillow at the door.
Looking around, I was in Rafael's room.

Why was I here?

Suddenly a figure moved from the bathroom door, walking graciously in the darkness of the night.
I forgot to breathe as he crawled over the bed to me roughly he pushing me down to the bed, so that I lay flat on my back. His scent filled my nostrils, as I chanted how I could do this over my head. I had practised this so many times and knew what to do yet I was so scared.

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