Chapter 28 *EDITED*

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The smell hit my nostrils hard and I felt my nose tickle.  You know that strong smell that gets you groaning in your sleep and that's exactly what I did.  I tossed and turned in between the soft sheets that made you feel like you were in heaven, fighting sleep.  I pulled my eyes open slowly to be blinded by a shiny orange, pink and white ray, I'm not even sure as my mind was still clouded with sleep. I shut them immediately then opened them again turning and groaning in the bed.

That was the best sleep I had had in months and I felt so good.  I sat up at the edge of the bed and stretched my arms.

"Morning beautiful,"

I jumped at the sexy sleek voice that came just besides the bed.  Turning my gaze my eyes landed on the handsome Greek God standing beside the bed.


I was tempted to say but held my tongue and giggled a little. His hair was rustled up from sleep, his six pack was out for me to notice, and his sweat shorts hug loosely around his waist showing the V that had my folds dripping.  In his hands was a tray filled with food and I couldn't help but smile.

What a sight to wake up to.

"Breakfast in bed," he said as I blushed.

"Let me go brush my teeth first," I said lowly as swiftly got off the bed and walked to the bathroom in my shorts and sleeping shirt, it was kind of chilly a little though.  There was a cool breeze blowing the curtains, making them dance.

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before rushing back to the room before my tea got cold. Rafael sat on the bed looking at his phone.  I rushed in the blankets and took the tray to my lap.  The plate was filled with pancakes, eggs, beacon, sausages, tomatoes, cheese and next to the plate was a bowl of plain yogurt with all kinds of fruits then two cups of coffee.

"You made all this?" I asked, raising the cup to my cold lips.

"Yes, I tried. " he said taking his own cup.

"Thank you," I said in between sips.

He looked at me for a moment before nodding and taking a sip of his strong black coffee.

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked.
I shrunk my shoulders.

"I don't know, what were you thinking?" I asked taking a sausage into my mouth.

"I also don't know, what people do for fun, maybe let's go to a strip club." he said causing me to laugh out loud.

"Come on, you do that, I'll be sitting here watching a movie or something."

"Nah, I'll be wherever you are. " he said grinning like a five year old. It was odd seeing him like that, for a moment or two I thought I was dreaming.

"That sounds so wrong, so you my stalker now."
"Something like that."

"Okay, I will drag you and we will get matching manicures, then do our hair..." I said giggling.

"I'm up for it if you are,"

"Really!" I laughed harder as he nodded his head.

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