Chapter 42 *EDITED*

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A person's feelings are something that is rarely understood or I definitely couldn't understand my feelings and emotions. This was something I had wanted for so long but damn it was hard. My mind knew what was better for me that's why I listened to it, the heart was bruised and broken yet it still wanted to stay with the man that had so brutally threw and broke it into pieces.

I took the last step of the stairs and walked into the dining room which carried so many memories. I remembered the time Rafael had threw a knife past my face for not listening to him. We came a long way and he wasn't healthy for me. Our relationship was always toxic and I was a fool to think it would turn into something else.

I walked past the living room and approached the door where two guards stood at each side of the door guarding it. Excitement and nervousness finally kicked it.

Was I really leaving this place? After so long.
I took quick steps wanting to feel the wind graze my skin as I tasted freedom. I grabbed the door handle and opened it.

"Sorry ma'am, what are you doing?" The guards both jumped to hold the door and looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"I....I...., Rafael said I could leave and said a car was waiting for me." I said nervously as my heart drummed.

The guards exchanged looks, looked at me and looked at each other again.

"You can ask him." I said lowly.

The guards looked at each other and one ran his hand through his hair.

"We know." One said and I looked at them in confusion, I didn't understand what the problem was then.

"But you already left." The other said causing me to deeply frown.

"What? But I am here, I didn't go, I'm about to go now and you two are in my way." I said in frustration
The one who spoke first looked at my bulging belly and swore.

"Miss Harley left fifteen ago, she was even wearing her red baggy sweater with the hoodie over her head."

"No Rob, that wasn't Miss Harley, this is Miss Harley, Miss Harley is pregnant remember." The one that swore said.

They both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Maybe this one put a cushion on her stomach so she could look like Miss Harley." Rob said as he stretched his hand to touch my belly.

Rob jumped back and swore.

"Its real," he said.

"Then who was the one that left pretending to be Miss Harley?" the other one asked.

"They look alike, "Rob said as he started pacing." The boss is going to kill us, the boss is going to murder us Dazer. We let Miss Loala go." Rob continued.

"Sorry guys and I really feel for you but can I please go now." I said as I tried to open the door but Dazer held it closed.

"No ma'am we have to tell the boss first." Said Dazer as he took out his phone and dialled a number.

"Please guys let me go, you know he'll blame me for this, please?" I begged them.

They shook their heads.

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