Chapter 29 *EDITED*

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The name seemed to follow me everywhere I went after that. I couldn't get it out of my head, it had even started to slip in my dreams and I thought I would die. Call it jealousy or what but I wanted to scratch the bitch's face. Some part of me blamed her for getting kidnapped and just as I realized hours ago she was the girl that had my man going crazy at just the mention of her name.

Your man, my inner voice said laughing at me but I pushed it back.

I know I was being stupid, she didn't do anything but I just couldn't help it. After that moment Rafael turned sour, he left the kitchen and locked himself up in his office. I sat there in shock staring at the opened door shocked at what had happened. I wanted to scream, to cry, to do anything but I didn't.  I didn't know what happened really. My mind couldn't find an explanation or maybe it did but I just didn't want it. I didn't want it to be true. My heart was breaking again.

Deep down I knew that if he would have to choose it would be her-the girl without a face.

Why had I asked that question?

It had just popped up and I was curious, I didn't know it would set up a tsunami.

Part of me waited hoping he would come back, maybe he just went to grab his phone or some spice but nothing. The food burned on the stove and after thirty minutes I switched off the stove and threw the pot in the sink literally. I walked off to our room and sat on the bed still dumbfounded.  In my mind I kept on playing back the scene when he turned and told me her name. I swear he could have murdered me for talking about her or even calling her 'the girl'.
I suddenly remembered the first day he had seen me, he had called me a filthy bitch whilst he had called her his beautiful angel.

You will always be second best, my inner voice said and my heart shattered.

That night I had slept alone in the big bed, I felt cold and deserted. My dreams were filled with a girl without a face, she just stood there. She didn't have to do a thing but it seemed like my world crushed with her just standing there.

I woke up panting heavily my body soaked with sweat. My eyes dashed to the side to find it empty. The darkness seeped into the room leaving me to wrap my arms around my body a shiver going down my spine the clock which hung on the wall reading two in the morning. Not even the TV could destruct me after that all that clouded my mind was Loala. I tried to let her not get under my skin but she crawled there without even trying. At that point I realized that I was so fuck'n in love with Rafael and it killed me. I asked myself so many times how it could have happened but it did. It was so dark and twisted that I'd fall so deeply in love with the man who took everything from me.

The pain of loving someone who didn't love you.
I cried.

I had never cried so hard.

Lord knows I cried.

I couldn't stop, wouldn't stop. I just cried.
After hours and hours I started throwing things around, anything, and everything. My hands were bleeding, my feet were bleeding, and my legs were bleeding.

I couldn't stop, I didn't stop.

Things flew around, breaking. At a point I started kicking and punching the bathroom door screaming. I hit it until it had a large hole then I moved to my next target. The door flew open as I was ripping pages from a book, next thing the book flee across the room almost hitting its target. I picked another one and tossed it but he dodged it again. Behind him stood two guards afraid to even peek through.
One of the guards got hit by a massive book as Rafael dodged it.

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