Chapter 2

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Lizzie's POV

Snow fell lazily as Lizzie and her family drove to their new home. It had been the first time the family had moved location because of her Father's work and she hated it. 

Grey clouds bore down on her as she stared helplessly out of the window, desperately wishing that they could just turn around and drive back to her friends, to her old life. 

She already missed Henry and they had only been driving for two hours.

Green hills peaked in the near distance, but with the sudden fog above they were hidden from view. Her Dad continued to drive nonstop, passing through acres of forest until the car itself was almost awash in green.

The trees staring back at her were overweight with leaves. The branches interlinking with others to keep balanced. The dense foliage from the surrounding flora deceptively hid the heart of the forest from the human world. 

The music blaring from her brother's Jayden's earphones pulled her away from the scenery outside, reminding Lizzie that she was supposed to act like she hated being here. Instead, she was falling slowly in love with her surroundings. 

According to her latest internet search, the forest was supposed to circle the small town of Norhaven.

The music continues to amplify and though on most days she liked his music this new grunge band annoyed her. Lizzie knew that two screeching cats could be considered more musically talented than whatever words were being spat into his ear.

Leaning over she's about to tap him when the music suddenly changes to a tune she's heard of.  Recognising one of the songs from the band Coldplay, she moves back to her seat, content with the music playing. 

"Where here," her Dad announces as they past a faded green sign with bold white letters stating,

Welcome to Norhaven

"Wow. I'm excited"Lizzie mutters, sarcasm dripping from her voice 

Her Dad's eyes flick to the rear-view mirror catching hers, "Elizabeth".

"What". Lizzie throws her hands up in the air. Nobody is happy with this move Dad. Mum loses her old school friends and Jayden's leaving his sports team who was one game away from entering the grand-final. 

"Elizabeth" He warns again

"No. I haven't finished yet. You're taking me away from everything I knew and most importantly Henry, he is my best friend. We're so close we might as well have been joined at the hip at birth.

"Are you done yet"

"Yep". Lizzie bites her tongue to keep herself from talking. She knew she was being selfish blaming all this on her Dad. But these thoughts had been circling her mind for the past few days and the more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became until like a balloon with too much air, she burst.

"What do you want me to do Lizzie? He sighs running his hand through his hair."Make a U-turn at the next T-junction". The sound in the car was silent save for the heater blasting in the background but she could sense everyone internally mouthing the word yes. 

"If you want, I could drop you all back at Everdale and I'll continue through to Norhaven. I'll come visit you every five months.

Lizzie didn't answer, guilt settling in quickly at his response. Though she wanted to return back to her familiar hometown, with its friendly and chatty people and the cafe at the end of her street where she would always meet Henry for coffee, she didn't want to leave her Dad behind. 

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