Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Aiden's POV

Aiden kept true to his word and remained quiet. One wrong move and he'd be mate-less, the thought sent a dose of fear.

He knew this was his last chance with Elizabeth. He lets out a deep breath trying to quell the fear as he flicks his eyes to her. Being this close, he realised again how truly beautiful she was, her lush wind swept hair was pulled back, accentuating her mesmerising forest green eyes and full red lips. The moon goddess had blessed him.

He stifles a chuckle as he watches Elizabeth glance unsubtly between him and the road, biting her lip nervously. She'd obviously worried that he'd kidnapped her.

As Aiden increases his speed the automatic car locks click into place as Elizabeth's heart beat races.

"Elizabeth" he says softening his tone as if she was a frightened child, abandoning his promise to remain quiet. "It's just the automatic lock system. I'm only taking you to school. I'm not going to hurt you". He turns to look at her hoping the sincerity on his face is enough to convince her.

"There's more than one way to hurt someone Aiden". She holds his stare before he's forced to turn his head and focus on the road.

Aiden's grip tightens on the steering wheel as he tries to breathe evenly, if only he could start the week over, he wouldn't be in this mess. He must be the only werewolf in history whose hurt his mate intentionally.

"Why do you hate me?" Elizabeth asks, the question appearing out of nowhere shocking Aiden to the core that he slams on the brakes painfully jolting them both forward.

"Is that what you think, that I hate you" His face is blank as he turns looking at her but he can't hide the pain swelling deep within his eyes.

Guilt courses through him as he watches Elizabeth try and control her breathing as she loosens the seat belt, belatedly realising that she's only human.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking, the question shocked me. Here, I'll pull over"

Lizzie cautiously watches as he parks on the side of the road.

"Are you okay" He questions, his eye searching hers for an honest answer.

She nods, but he doesn't truly meet his gaze.

The car is quiet for a moment before Aiden is forced to ask. "Do you honestly think I hate you"

She stares back at him, "Well, don't you?" Elizabeth snaps, eyebrows raised that Aiden's reminded of her fierce side. "Since I've been here you've barely looked at me and when you did it was always to say some hurtful comment. You avoided class all this week except-"

"I always skip class"

She raises her eyebrows, "You haven't answered my question?"

"It's complicated"

Annoyance flashes across Elizabeth's face as she turns towards the door, ready to tug it open.

"Elizabeth wait" he grabs her arm, sending electrifying tingles along his body.

She pauses, turning to face him.

"I'd rather walk to school Aiden, than sit in a car with you telling me that the reason you hate me is because its complicated"

He flinches at her harsh words, knowing deep down that it was going to be difficult to win her heart, with the damage he'd already inflicted.

"It's not easy to explain Elizabeth"

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