Chapter 16

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Author's Note

I'm back :) 

Sorry for the massive delay, university and life has been hectic.  Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter. 


Lizzie's POV

Lizzie's body still ached with exhaustion as she slowly pulls herself out from beneath the covers. Her mother had called from behind the door announcing that dinner was being served.

The warmth of her bed had provided a momentary escape from the unexplainable events of the afternoon. Her body was still laden with exhaustion as she stretched her arms trying to chase the lingering tiredness away.

Pressing her hand against her stomach, she was thankful that the stabbing pain had dulled, her brain kept circling trying to think of some logical explanation but she was coming up with more questions than possible answers.

Her mind drifts back to what Kat had mentioned before darkness seized her, something about it being Aiden's fault.

That didn't make any sense though?

Running her hands through her hair, she pushes the thoughts momentarily aside. Lizzie couldn't deal with another thing that didn't make sense. She was thankful that her parents hadn't walked in and seen her in this state, at least someone was listening to her prayers.

Slipping out of her creased school clothes she places on her comfy grey tracksuit pants and one of Henry's oversized tops. She breathes in his scent and cologne, a small smile slipping on her face.

God knows she missed him and though she desperately wanted to hear his voice, she knew that the phone call was going to end badly. Lizzie's smile falters, as she imagines his reaction when she tells him that she'd been talking with the Blacks.

She massages her forehead, that wasn't even her biggest concern. Aiden Black was her biggest concern, with his perfectly toned body and captivating blue eyes he knew exactly where to target, exactly where to push to make her collapse into a complete and utter mess beneath him.

From Kat's comment this afternoon, she couldn't imagine that she'd ditch her as a friend, but only time would tell. Her thoughts travel back to her last encounter with Aiden, maybe her comment had been too harsh?

She frowns as she fiddles with the edge of her blanket. She hadn't meant for the words to flow out like that. A sliver of regret seeps through her as she distinctly remembers her words, 'I'm better off not being friends with you at all'.

Saying that to a guy who had been dished everything on a silver platter and had everyone begging to be his friend would probably have been a blow to the gut.

But she couldn't excuse his behaviour towards her, especially since it had all started from her previous hometown Everdale.

There was no point trying to fix things with Aiden, he seemed to be as stubborn as her brother who never under any circumstances admitted he was wrong.

The best thing to do was just to avoid Aiden, lunch would be awkward, but she had Kat's ensuing friendship, she wasn't going to give that up.

"Lizzie are you coming" her mother yells sounding agitated.

Stifling a sigh, Lizzie quickly places some concealer under the dark rings circling her eyes. Plastering a weak smile on her face, she steps out of her bedroom, pushing all thoughts of this afternoon to the side. She didn't need her family to think something was wrong.

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