32. Inner Ramblings of a Clueless Phoebe

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AN: SDC has been officially accepted into the KIS Awards 2017.!!! There's a reader's choice award (book thing) that I could promote but I'm honestly not even concerned with it. +idk what I'm doing.
SDC's up against some Wattpad heavy weights (some of which I've read and loved,) so I'm freaking out a bit. I've also added my other book into a completely different but equally competitive contest.! *Sighs* I did this to myself.

P.S. SDC has gotten over 1k reads in under a month!! And all the contests are in one of my reading lists. 

As we walk down the stairs into the masses, I can already tell that Mr. M's previous smirk is long gone.

Everyone keeps their distance from him, almost like the man has a force field that stops moving projectiles in the shape of business associates. He grabs my hand to include me into his self induced isolation bubble and we move though the crowd effortlessly. I can't help but wonder if the parting of the Red Sea was this easy.

I also come to the realization that this isn't a new occurrence, Mr. M has always been an entity by himself even when submerged in crowds of people.

'How haven't I noticed this before?' I ask myself, the answer comes to me without much effort. 'It's because I was so busy staring at the stars that it didn't occur to me there was always empty space surrounding each of them.'

I think I see the girl from earlier but I can't get a definite confirmation because the female moves through the crowd in the opposite direction away from where we are. Oh well. If I was caught giving head to a married man at a social gathering, I wouldn't want the people who found us to recognize me around peers. HeII, I would've been long gone but that's just me.

The rest of our leaving is a blur and before I know it, we're in Mr. M's car.

Mr. M's repellent force field doesn't dissolve once we're inside the enclosed space of his car, no - the damn thing seems to get stronger like it doesn't want me getting any closer. I can taste the tension in the air but of course I have to ignore it and play the role I've given myself.

'Clueless Phoebe' is the name I've come up with. 

I give the character that name mostly because she doesn't know that Mr. M was talking to his ex wife while she was waking up from her sex induced coma.
She also didn't know that he had a bathroom connected to his room, therefore she pulled on her clothes and went to use the commode down the hall.
To wrap up the role in a big red bow, Clueless Phoebe suddenly remembers that she had homework due when Mr. M found her so she needed to go home.

In my defense though, Mr. M never objected to the request. He simply walked away and he's driving me home.

A downside to faking cluelessness is that now I have to act dumb to Mr. M's tense state, even though technically a clueless me isn't dumb BUT she is less informed than the current me who knows more than I should but I still shouldn't devalue the ignorance of the role simply because she stayed in bed...... my head runs itself in circles until I give up my internal rambling.

As my thoughts run around in a hamster wheel, Mr. M doesn't turn to look at me once to inquire about my silence. It's almost like he doesn't care because it accompanies his silence perfectly.

Even in his angry silent state, Mr. M is good looking. He keeps his head straight and his hands grip the steering wheel at ten and two. I wouldn't say that Mr. M normally drives in a relaxed position, but there's no mistaking his definite tense posture right now.

He knows that I'm checking him out but still he ignores my gaze, though it's not like that's going to stop me. Even though I'm so used to Mr. M, it's almost like my memory doesn't do him justice. I slowly lick my lips and start my analysis of the angry man at the wheel.

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