-Sun, sea & interuptions [Chapter 1]

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literally though this story is so bad like i cannot stand to read it but it's finding the time to rewrite it that is the problem since it's such a long book, there are countless plot holes and things are unrealistic and don't make sense and gah i've just come a really long way since I wrote this it's awful and i don't need anyone else to tell me so because i know i know ok

I'm currently editing this so bare with for the cringey chapters:S I honestly apologise and truthfully feel sorry for people who read the first half of this since I started writing this when I was like twelve and now i'm almost fifteen and can we just put it in the way that my 12 year old self is not one I like to revisit. So it does need re-writing and I'm in the process of doing so, it's just going to take a while considering it's a long story with fairly long chapters. So just be aware of that.

Reminders (A/N):

I do not own the characters of One Direction and any associated with them in real life. However, any other fictional characters are strictly mine and this whole story is copyrighted and the breaching of so is punishable by law.

This story will contain; strong language and moderate scenes of violence, and mild mature and sexual content. For these reasons it is strictly PG-13.

Can I also just point out that I'm British and I've had people ask me what certain words/phrases mean etc. so if you come across something you don't understand then just ask and I'll try my best to explain:)


-- Picture This: Book 1: Chapter One: --

Ashley's POV:

Smiling to myself I breathed in the sweet and salty ocean air letting it swirl in my nostrils. The sun was beating down heavily causing the sand to burn your feet and the water to give you tiny shocks of warmth as you entered it. As it pressed against my thighs the plastic deck chair was scalding against my skin causing me to arc my legs away from it every few seconds. Tinted by my sunglasses the sky was a soft, pampered baby blue the backdrop canvas to the occasional white cloud floating across it’s endless blanket. The feeling of sitting around the bay near the rocks was almost foreign to me I hadn’t done this in so long, but that made it all the more special as the sand massaged in between my toes, the heat from the sun gently cleansing at my skin as if washing away any worries I may have had. I’d missed this, a lot.

Death causes people to act differently; sometimes they spend their time mourning and immersing themselves in everything that the person of annihilation was ever about. We, decided to ignore it completely. When my Auntie died everyone seemed to be wistful for about a week or so and then as the boxes of her stuff slowly piled up, the room stripped, the curtains drawn, the door locked, everyone just dropped her like a stone. It was almost like doing all this was going to make it okay, like it was going to make it seem like it never happened. Like I never had a better relationship with her than I did my own Mother. Everyone seemed to move on so quickly, that was everyone but me. But nobody paid very much to attention to me anyway in my family, so maybe it didn’t matter.

There were a lot of things that Jane liked; simple things usually, but the beach was the best. Maybe it was how at night, if you went down just as the colours of the sky were turning orange, merging into each other with peak as the sun slowly sunk into the horizon, it was empty. And it was kind of like a blank canvas, you could walk anywhere, do anything, and nobody would even know or care. Or maybe it was how something so beautiful could be carved by nature and not man. But whatever it was, it was special to her. And since we had a very tight knit relationship, it became immensely special to me too. It became our place. We had more of a Mother-Daughter relationship than me and my own Mum did and the summers here with Jane were the best. Building sandcastles for me and my chubby toddler legs to knock over within a minute, licking ice-creams that ended up more on my top and around my face than in my stomach. But the best thing of all was the water, it was so simple but yet so beautiful how you could immerse yourself in this salty spray of the ocean, engulfing yourself within the perfect blue water, and even better, as she held me. Her dainty hands around my child’s waist as I kicked my legs about acting as if I was scared so she would carry on holding me. It was safe to say I was a water baby back then.

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