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Duke walked closer to the female dog.

"Don't do it!"

Duke walked over to the female dog the rest of the way. Keeping eye contact with Taehyung the whole time.

"I swear to god if you.. Oh my god!!"

Taehyung gave up Duke had even looked him dead in the eye as he got on top the female.

"We could do it doggy style."

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Look you coconut head swedish fish bitch I don't want to hear it right now."

"Something wrong?"

Jungkook hopped the fence and sat next to Taehyung on his outside furniture.

"No.....god dammit yes!"

"Go ahead tell me."

Taehyung looked over at the concerned coconut.

"You know that tiny lion I got..."

"Yeah the one where I thought it would actually be some se-"

Taehyung slapped his hand on top of His mouth.

"Duke fucked it last night and now it's gross."

Jungkook tried not to laugh but he couldn't help it.

"Your dog fucks everything he sees!"

Taehyung frowned.

"That why would your dog has a soggy ass."

"My dog doesn't have a soggy ass."

"Fine! You dog has an ass almost as stretched out as yours!"

Taehyung stood up and made his way inside his house. Jungkook happily followed along.

"Hate to crush whatever fantasy you live in but I don't bottom."

Taehyung turned around from his fridge and slapped Jungkook in the face with a package of chicken.

"Now if you don't want that to happen again I suggest you shut your bunny looking mouth up.....Now get out I'm expecting someone over for dinner!"

Jungkook smirked.

"Oh okay I'll leave, but I'll be so sad."

"I don't really care."

Taehyung shoved him out the sliding doors.

"Now I wait."

Neighbors DogWhere stories live. Discover now