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I was tagged quite a but recently and I mean to do them all I just forget and get distracted.

1st tag I was tagged by Kimmie_95

1- follow the rules (must!)
2- have to tag 13 people
3- those 13 have to answer the questions you ask
4- have to come up with 13 questions
5- can't skip tags
6- tag back allowed
7- if you don't do the tag you have to post a ugly pic of you in wattpad

1) favorite candy?
I don't have a favorite candy
2) favorite book that's not on
I don't remember what the story was called but it's one of the stories by the Grimm brothers
3) hobbies?
Drawing and dancing
4) favorite color?
Any pastel color
5) troye sivan or no?
6) favorite game?
I don't have one I have three Diablo, Overwatch and, Dead by Daylight
7) favorite song?
8) favorite author on wattpad?
I have so many! I can't just pick one!
9) what era are you fascinated by?
I'm fascinated with multiple
10) if you could go back in time, what time and why?
I wouldn't go back in time at all cause what if a messed up something in that time and boom
11) sunset or sunrise?
Sunrise. Everything just feels nicer then
12) do you listen to Melanie Martinez?
13) anime or video game?
Video games
My questions:
1- favorite tv show?
2- how many light bulbs do you have in your house?
3- favorite thing to do when you have free time?
4- do you own sunglasses?
5- towel dry or air dry?
6- Stuffed animals?
7-  how many shoes do you own?
8- any siblings?
9- pet peeves?
10- favorite cereal?
11- what kind of m&ms are your favorite?
12- spicy or non spicy?
13- Doritos or Lays?

Tagging completely at random!

I'm so sorry for this.

Tagged by HobisHearteu

Type BTS members names without looking at your keyboard.

Kim Namjoon

Kim seokjin

Kim taehkmg

Min hoongi

Park Jimin

Jeon jungkook

Jung hisdok


Tagged again by HobisHearteu

20 facts.

1- I hate wearing shorts

2- I write words I like the meaning of Into a little notebook

3- One of my biggest pet peeves is when people call me or try to get my attention like they would a dog

4- I drew a picture of Jimin once

5- I say sorry a lot

6- I can't stand feet

7- my sister is talking loudly to me as I write this and it's annoying me

8- I get annoyed fast

9- I don't get jealous often

10- When I wake my sister up I'm mean about it

11- I hate feeling alone

12- I hate the red walls in the downstairs living room

13- my tv is 55 inches

14- I don't really use the tv unless I'm playing a video game

15- I had a gerbil named midnight

16- I cry easily

17- I miss my side of the family

18- I don't get along well with my stepdads side of the family. We just don't seem to click

19- I like painting even tho I can paint

20- I have 2 giant stuffed animals in my bed and 7 blankets


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